

by Tyler Robinson from Oliver Stephens Public School

118906MarkiplierGoogle images Mark Edward Fishbach, well known world wide as Markiplier, is the 25th most popular Youtube in the history of Youtube. He was born June 28th 1989 in Honolulu, Hawaii at the Tripler Army Medical Center and has an American / Korean ancestry. His father served in the military where he met Mark's mother, who is of Korean descent. After Mark's birth, they moved to Cincinnati, Ohio where Mark studied to become a biomedical engineer at the University of Cincinnati. He one day dropped out of college to pursue his Youtube Career. He has one older sibling named Jason Thomas Fishbach who became an artist and author.

Markiplier started his channel in 2012 after getting his original one removed by Youtube. His first channel had many videos of gameplay of the following games: Amnesia: the dark descent , Penumbra, and Dead Space. He tried to make a final appeal to Youtube before they removed his channel. After the removal of the account, Mark made a second channel called MarkiplierGAME. This channel had been much better than the original and had much more variety than the previous and is still standing today! It now has almost 19 million subscribers on his channel. He also helps other channels grow by working with them and appearing in a video or two. They would put one video on the other channel and one on his. The viewers would see Mark's video and Mark would give a lot of credit to the other channel and the viewers would like and subscribe to the other channel's videos.This would cause the growth of smaller channels. This would also cause Mark to grow as well, because his kindness would spread to the world and he would get good karma in the form of views, likes, subscribers and money. He would then donate some of that money to charity.

Now, Mark is one of the most popular Youtubers in the world and makes over four million dollars from advertisements and views. That would about $11000 every day! This is because his channel gets 6 million hits on average every single day. He gets paid $2 - $5 for every 1000 monetized views. This doesn't seem like much but it really adds up once you get more, and more views. this then makes it so that Mark is making a lot of money. This is because he gets a lot of views.

Markiplier is my hero because he is a good person at heart, even if he does swear a lot in his videos. Why I think he is a good person because he donates a lot of money to charity every year, instead of spending it on cool stuff. I like Markiplier because his videos are funny but he does a lot of good things for the world. If you are reading this, Mark, thank you for everything you've done.

Page created on 12/19/2017 12:47:20 AM

Last edited 12/20/2017 4:45:19 PM

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