
Martin Luther King Jr

by Bennett B from Georgetown, Ontario in Canada

Martin Luther King Jr


Have you ever heard of Martin Luther King Jr? He is one of the most inspiring people that ever lived. (to some people). You might have heard of the holiday named after him. It’s called Martin Luther King Jr day. You also might have heard of his most famous speech. It’s called I Have a Dream.


Martin Luther King Jr was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta,Georgia,U.S. Martin Luther King,Jr went to black schools when he was younger. He graduated from high school when he was 15. Then he got a B.A. degree from MoreHouse College. It was a black institution that his father and he went to.


Some people called him Dr.King. Then after 3 years of theological study at Crozer theological seminary in Pennsylvania. He was elected president of a white senior class. He was awarded the B.D. in 1951. He got a degree for doctorate at Boston College.


In Boston, Dr.King met Coretta Scott and they got married. They had 4 kids. They had Yolanda, Martin Luther 3rd, Daxter, and Bernice. In 1954, Dr.King became the pastor of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church.Dr.King was always a good person for civil rights and for people of his race. Dr.King was now a member of the National Association for the Advancement of colored people. 


During the days of boycott Dr.King was arrested for doing things of civil disobedience. His home was bombed. He emerged to Black leader of the first Rank. He said I have a dream. At the age of 35, Dr.King became the youngest person to get a Nobel peace prize. 


Dr.King gave the prize money of $54,123  to the civil rights movement. Then on April 4,1968 Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated on a balcony by James Earl Ray.


Martin Luther King Jr inspires me to stand up for people if they're being made fun of or anything really.That was my essay on Martin Luther King Jr. I hope you learned something about Dr.King. 



Page created on 12/10/2024 4:59:31 PM

Last edited 12/12/2024 1:57:34 PM

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