A Deserving Hero
Michael Oher getting draftedibtimes.com"As I look back on stuff, it's crazy how I got here" he says. "But it didn't seem tough at the time. I just lived day to day, did the best I could" (Bell). Michael Oher is a titan of a football player with great success. He’s achieved greatness in the NFL becoming a top ten pick. However, he wasn't always at the top. He came from a family broken by addiction and lack of a father figure. He wasn't the best at school and many saw him as slow to learn. Despite his rough start, Oher took the chances that he had, and created greatness by beating the odds. Michael Oher is considered a hero because of his determination, resilience, and ability to work to his full potential.
Michael Oher’s success in overcoming challenges, comes partially from his determination. Even with all his torment from his childhood he was still able to come out on top. An article written by Jarrett Bell contains many reflections on the early stages of Oher’s life. Within the article, Oher reflects on his brutal past with contentment: "I don't dwell on anything. I'm not going to feel sorry for myself because I didn't have a place to stay a lot of time. It is what it is. We've got to go through some things in life. Take it and run with it"(Bell). Oher is a determined athlete and inspires many people who are going through similar situations and is a concrete example of determination and moving on from the past. A main source of Oher’s drive to be determined is his goals he made as a young child to strive to be his best self. According to Deirdre Donahue’s reflection on Oher’s book, “(Oher) has followed sports his whole life and knew they were his destiny at age 7” (Bell). He has followed his destiny by turning away from drugs, crime, and gangs because he knew he was meant for something greater than what he had. Even with his slow learning ability he was still able to go to college, play football, and work in the NFL as a professional Football player. Instead of ending up like his mother, or being in a gang, he chose to be the best he could. His determination is solid, which allowed him to follow his childhood dreams.
Michael Oherbiography.comAnother thing that makes Michael Oher a hero is his resilience. It allows him to fight through difficult tasks and achieve his goals. "He's not mad at anybody," Tuohy says. "He should be. He has a lot of fire but no anger. God has blessed him with way more than physical ability"(Bell.) Tuohy testifies that Michael Oher is resilient, not angry. Many people think he has the right to be mad about things, but Oher chooses not to be. In another quote about Oher, it shows him being resilient even when he was a child. It states, “Oher survived 16 years in the North Memphis hood, the orphaned son of a murdered father and a cocaine-addicted mother, while bouncing around foster homes and 11 different schools”("Quest for Title To Add to Story"). even in his worst of times, Oher didn’t let things put him down or get in his way. Oher truly is resilient do to the fact that he doesn't let anything or anyone affect him in his progress.
Michael Ohernypost.comMichael Oher is a hardworking athlete who fights for what he wants and pushes through to the end. In one statement made by Oher it states "I would have found my way out of the ghetto one way or the other"("Ravens star Oher tells his side"). This quote shows the amount of hard work that he's willing to give and do anything in order to better himself. His hard work allows him to push through difficult situations no matter the obstacles. Oher has also said, “'I'm a football player. That's my passion. At the end of the day, I just play football. That's what I do” ("Quest for Title To Add to Story"). Oher goes for what he wants and works hard for it. He sets himself in the direction of his dreams and sticks with it. Overall Oher is a hardworking person who doesn't give up easily.
Michael Oher is a determined, resilient , and hard working person who is a hero because he goes against the odds. He is an inspiration due to his never quitting attitude and his ability to want something and go get it. He inspires me not only because I want to become a great football player, but because he motivates me to go for my goals. He shows the world that anything is possible if you take what you have and go for your dreams. Oher continues to make more goals, and strive for even more. ''It's been a long, taxing year for Mike,” said Oher’s teammate, Justin Bannan. ''But now it's his turn to write the next chapter” ('"Quest for Title To Add to Story").
Works Cited
#aBell, Jarrett. "Once homeless, never hopeless." USA Today, 24 Apr. 2009, p. 01C. Student
Resources in Context, https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A198447141/SUIC?u=powa9245&xid=8d06cbb5. Accessed
30 Jan. 2\]
"Ravens star Oher tells his side." USA Today, 8 Feb. 2011, p. 01D. Student Resources in Context, https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A248786310/SUIC?u=powa9245&xid=ac19e2f5. Accessed 31 Jan. 2018.
"Quest for Title To Add to Story." New York Times, 16 Jan. 2010, p. D1(L). Student Resources in Context, https://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A216669159/SUIC?u=powa9245&xid=0cdf088d. Accessed 31 Jan. 2018.
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Last edited 2/16/2018 9:03:59 PM