this is Mr.Beast My hero is Mr Beast. He is from Wichita,KS. He was born on May 7, 1998, and is now 25 years old. His full name is James Stephen Donaldson. He shoots videos on YouTube. He has several YouTube channels and there is different content everywhere. There is an account where he shoots reactions to videos, and there is also an account where he does various tests and whoever passes them will win a lot of money, but the coolest account for me is where he helps people! On this account, he makes videos where he builds columns with water in countries where there is no water or pays for treatment for people who have little money
He tries to change people's lives for the better, builds small towns, builds good schools in countries where there is little money, buys $ 30 million worth of food and gives it to people for free, helps animals in a shelter, pays for very expensive operations and treatment, he also encourages people to do good deeds and a lot more Good things! His actions help not only people to develop since he gave money to students for education, but he also saves people from hunger and thirst, helps people live longer, as he pays for operations, and tries to expand towns and villages, making them more beautiful and rich, and also tries to help animals
I chose him because he seems to me to be a very good, kind, friendly person who will not leave anyone in trouble. He is always smiling and being kind to others. I am also inspired by his kind deeds, he does a lot of big and kind projects where he helps people who do not even have the opportunity to drink clean water or find food. He can inspire everyone with his deeds and give us all an example of how to make this world a better place. He has a large audience and he always tells everyone that they would try to help those in need and they could also participate in his videos and help in the projects that Mr.Beast created. I would thank him very much for the fact that he always tries to help everyone, but that he does not deceive people and tries to do everything in his power. I would also ask to take a picture with him.
Page created on 5/1/2024 6:47:41 PM
Last edited 5/8/2024 3:30:29 PM