
Mrs. Reeves

by Emily Erickson from Douglisville, Georgia in United States

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week and I would like to appreciate all of my wonderful teachers. If you're ever watching a show or the news you’ll see that some teachers will come up and appreciate all of the hard work they have done over the past few years. Teachers get recognized for all of the hard work and kindness they have done to the children to get recognized on the TV or the news.

One time in third grade I hated reading and when I walked into her classroom I wasn’t excited until one day everything changed Mrs. Reeves was handing out the chapter books that we would be reading this year. The book was called Stone Fox. When I took out the book and started reading it was so boring and I didn't want to do it. Mrs. Reeves saw that I wasn’t really enjoying it and came over and said to me “Just wait a little bit it will get better.” A few days later we finished the book and it was the best book I had ever read.

Mrs. Reeves was my third-grade teacher who was always looking up to me a lot. Mrs. Reeves was a hero to me. She helped me with things I didn’t understand and always made work fun. She was always looking up to me and was always waiting for me at the classroom door.  Did you know that Mrs. Reeves Had one big embarrassing moment in school? Mrs. Reeves had got roller skates and brought them to school and started to ride them in the hallway. But Mrs. Reeves didn't know how to roller skate so she started screaming and everyone started laughing and grabbing on to her and had to catch her so many times. 

Did you know that Mrs. Reeves likes to do things out of school? Mrs. Reeves has a hidden talent and that’s a color guard! A color guard is a person who has strings and they are really thick and they swing it around and cheer for the football team/football game and swing their thick strings around. Mrs. Reeves loves teaching but did you know that if Mrs. Reeves won the lottery and decided to give up teaching she would own an Animal Sanctuary? She would own so many adorable, and cute animals.

Mrs. Reeves was a sweet and wonderful teacher. She had some embarrassing moments and some very funny and interesting ones Mrs. Reeves was such a good teacher and because of all of these things I said about her she is one of my best heroes.

Page created on 5/14/2024 4:07:52 PM

Last edited 5/15/2024 3:14:40 PM

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