
Mrs. Reeves! My hero!

by Jocelyn Hardy from Douglasville, Georgia in United States

 Mrs. Reeves! My Hero!

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and I would like to share a teacher’s impact on my life. Do you ever hear about teachers on the radio or on tv? Mostly you hear about Taylor Swift and baseball. Have you ever heard of a teacher on tv?

My 3rd grade reading teacher, Mrs. Reeves, had a large impact on my life. She always pushed us to try harder but made reading fun! She gave us prizes for things we got right and made reading fun for not just me but for kids who didn’t really like reading.

Mrs. Reeves loves to start her mornings with holy music and her favorite song is Jessie’s Girl by Rick Springfield. She thinks her most embarrassing moment was when she had Heelys on and attempted to roller skate. Mrs. Reeves is really good at making Chicken Enchilada Soup! Every year she reads a book called “First Day Jitters.” 

I think teachers are important even though they are not on TV or the radio! Mrs. Reeves does not have to be famous to be important, but instead inspiring! She is a hero because she always helped us when we needed it and was really kind. Now you know about Mrs. Reeves and why I think she is a hero.


Page created on 5/10/2024 2:18:15 PM

Last edited 5/15/2024 5:10:48 PM

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