

by christina bridges from Douglasvile, Georgia in United States

from Christina to Mrs. Henderson 

Teachers are important because they help others and make them laugh when they need it more than anything. My teacher is important because she is funny, kind, nice, beautiful and is always there for others.

She is a hero to me because she helps kids when they are struggling with homework and so much more. This week is teacher appreciation week.

But why do we not see them on the news?

They help us in different ways but they are not like the Avengers saving the city. So they aren't on the news even if they help you when you're crying or do your missing homework assignments.

I chose Mrs Henderson, because she is always fun, helpful and kind to everyone. One time she helped me not get mad at someone. For them being mean.I selected her because she always helps me and others when they are upset or when they get hurt or injured.

Mrs Henderson was kind enough to answer these questions with me. Did you know that she can do a back tuck? She also told me her favorite pet that she wanted or had was a dog and she wanted a lizard. She said if she won the lottery and retired she would move into a RV and go around the world. She said she likes to do the name game on the first day of school. She said her favorite accomplishment was her Frederick Douglas door. And the last question was what is your most embarrassing school moment? She said a kid said he had to go to the bathroom and she said hold on the next minute. He was pooping himself while running down the hall and one by one they plopped on the ground.

The reason I picked my teacher because she is number 1.

                           (Mrs. Henderson)

Page created on 5/10/2024 1:26:05 PM

Last edited 5/15/2024 6:12:56 PM

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