

by kya baker from douglasville, Georgia in United States

My Hero Ms.Waits!

By: Kya Baker

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. Ms.Waits helps me when I get stuck on a math problem. I feel like Ms.Waits should be in the newspaper, TV, and Internet for what she does by cheering and helping her students and their confidence to grow.

My hero is Ms.Waits and she is a third-grade math teacher. I chose Ms.Waits because she was my old homeroom teacher and she was the best teacher to me. Last year when I was in third grade I got stuck on a question and raised my hand Ms.Waits began coming towards me and helped me on the question. I understood the question and after I finished I got the question correct. I selected Ms.Waits out of all of the teachers because she was the best teacher I could have in third grade.

Ms.Waits has a brother that lives in Canada! Canada is very far from Douglasville. I wonder how often she misses her brother. Ms.Waits owns two cats and two dogs. That is a bunch of pets to have to care for. I can’t imagine how often she forgets to feed her pets. Ms.Waits is very amazing at cooking spaghetti. She says she can cook spaghetti to perfection. On the first day of school, Ms.Waits has the same tradition. She goes to the school early and makes sure she has a giant smile on her face. Something that makes Ms.Waits day is her students being excited to learn something new. Ms.Waits cheers for her students to show her school spirit. Ms.Waits favorite cafeteria food is nachos with just cheese. People who work hard and care for students are the people who Ms.Waits gets inspired by. One thing that she got embarrassed about was one day Ms.Waits was teaching her students something but every student kept pointing out how her fly was unzipped. One of the worst things about being a teacher for Ms.Waits is getting up early. Early in the morning, her students are all very tired but in the afternoon they are awake and crazy. One wisdom that Ms.Waits would pass down to her students is to always be kind.

Ms.Waits is a very important teacher because she is one of the best math teachers in South Douglas Elementary and she is the best teacher to comfort her students in class. My hero is being recognized because she is one of the best teachers anyone could ever have. Ms.Waits is a hero for taking care of every student that is either hurt, sad or emotional.


Page created on 5/14/2024 4:11:57 PM

Last edited 5/15/2024 3:10:20 PM

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