
My Brother

by Muhammad Tayyab from Pakistan

“My Hero”

Hero! What does the word “Hero” mean? How do you define it? Basically, the word hero means to make someone your ideal on the basis of his characteristics, ability and achievement. Everyone has an ideal in his life. It depends on what you want to be.

My hero is my brother. The reason is that my brother has won many awards in different competition but I want to become like my brother. Basically, I was a normal student compared to other students. My brother helped me and motivated me to do hard work. He told me what to do and what not to do and gave me the right path to success.

I still recognized that time when I could not achieve a good grade in the class test. Moreover, inquisitive children, even my friends, were laughing and making fun of me. At that time, I was feeling guilty and broke from inside. At that crucial moment, my brother appeared like a light in a dark room. I remember that I hugged my brother and started crying. I asked my brother “what to do now, I can not even get a good grade in class test how looser I am”. Furthermore, that day, my brother took responsibility for giving me tuition on a daily basis, taking tests, giving practice questions, doing a lot of effort and hard work on the day of the result. Because when I achieved a good grade in the final term, I hugged my brother and was thankful to him for making a lot of effort. Another interesting thing was that all the students who were laughing and making fun of me that day were unable to face me because they felt ashamed for making fun of me that day. Anyway, after that day till now my brother is taking responsibility for my tuition.

In conclusion, everyone has their own ideal or hero according to their goal. But the ideal I have is someone who will never cheat me and will stand with me in any problem in our life lives about or worrying about who is against us. Last but not least, my brother is a blessing to me and to my family by Allah (S. W).

Page created on 1/31/2024 5:11:45 AM

Last edited 2/2/2024 6:16:24 PM

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