Essays on the Theme of Heroism

My Grandmother

by Awa Jallow from Banjul in Gambia

My hero is my grandmother. My name is Awa Jallow and I live in Nema Kunku. Since my birth, my grandmother was the one taking care of me till I grow up. She taught me how respect people in the society. She taught me her past life by portraying the picture where she belonged and comparing that to my current situation, as they differ socially. She told me so many things, that she came from a poor family and the opportunity she misses that she makes sure I do not miss. She laid her life down for me. She made me the happiest granddaughter in the world. She stood by me along the hard road to let me get a quality education. She is my greatest teacher in life.

She made me the princess even over her daughters. She is my mother, my teacher, my family, my everything. Thank you grandmother. God bless you. Much love to you.



Page created on 6/5/2019 9:25:01 PM

Last edited 6/6/2019 10:04:43 PM

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