Sara ArmstrongPhoto courtesy of Sara Armstrong
After over 40 years of making substantial contributions to the field of education, MY HERO judge Sara Armstrong is considered a veteran in the educational community.
Armstrong began her teaching career at Berkeley Montessori School in Northern California, where she continues to reside. She received her master’s degree in Reading and Language Literacy and has a doctorate in Philosophy of Education.
“The Montessori idea of the teacher as the facilitator between the child and the environment--or the child and the concepts, rather than being the one that knows everything, is something that’s been part of my educational philosophy working with kids, working with teachers--working with everybody,” said Armstrong. “My job is to try to facilitate learning and bring the positive… making people understand that they can do anything, be anything if they have the desire to do it.”
Armstrong has been a part of The MY HERO Project for over 20 years. For Armstrong, the project provides an example of the potential individuals have and their capacity to use positive values and work together for peace and a better world.
“A hero is anyone who makes a difference,” explained Armstrong. “When I talk about heroes, and use some of the curriculum from the project, the idea that it doesn’t have to be somebody who is extraordinary all the time or whenever, but its somebody who is doing their work, somebody sees something that needs to be done or somebody who has had an idea and is working for the betterment of the world--and it can be teeny tiny things.”
Her new book, Pathways to Well-Being, demonstrates Armstrong’s continual support and contribution to the educational sector. Her main areas of expertise during conferences are around digital literacy and project-based learning.
“I'm a storyteller, and I bring storytelling into my workshops with teachers,” said Armstrong. “Having kids engage with kids in other parts of the world is an integral part of what I share with other teachers every chance I get.”
Page created on 12/11/2019 6:40:36 PM
Last edited 12/12/2019 10:17:16 PM