MY HERO Celebrating Everyday Heroes Learning Circle Timeline 16 Week Session

iEARN Celebrating Everyday Heroes Learning Circle Timeline

Week Before Learning Circles Begin

Teachers will be provided with information about the iEARN collaboration centre, the MY HERO website and teacher resources, and ways to prepare students by email.


Teachers please review Sustainable Development Goals with your students


Week 1: Opening the Circle

Teachers log into the TEACHER FORUM and find the folder for Introductions. Post an introductory message to the group. Please include a picture of you, with your students if possible.

Teachers Register for a MY HERO educator account to access tools to easily organize your students work.

Classes start talking about what type of project they would like to complete and submit to MY HERO. Will students work individually or in groups? Students can submit stories, art and short films for publication.  


Weeks 2-3

Students introduce themselves and post their introductions the forum folder marked Introductions.

Teachers add their students to the iEARN student forum if appropriate.

Start discussions about who inspires your students. 


Week 4-5

Teachers register on MY HERO ( as an educator

Students Watch Selected Films for their grade level: Links are in the Schoology Collaboration Center (Optional)

Share the essay "How to Choose Your Hero" with students

Discussions in both Teachers and Student forums about heroes, heroism and who inspires you. We want to learn about YOUR heroes in your countries, communities and families.


Week 6

Teachers Create a Class Code from their Profile Page on MY HERO for their classes.


Students will Register for a student account on the MY HERO website using the Class Code provided by their teacher. 


Students watch a selection of recommended films and respond to discussion questions online in the forum. 


Week 7

Students identify their personal hero or identify a hero working in their community and share their choice in the MY HERO Learning Circle Guestbook about their hero.  why they chose that person or organization. Please make sure students have read How to Choose Your Hero? prior to posting in the Learning Circle Guestbook.


Weeks 8-13


Students begin to work on their hero project. Note: there are 4 ways to share your HERO story: written stories, art, film and audio. 

 Students submit their projects to MY HERO for approval. (Submitted stories, art, short films, and audio must be original and created by your students.) 


Weeks 14-15 

Teachers create an Showcase Organizer with students' approved work.

Share students published work and organizers with your partner classes on the forum. 

Students and teachers post comments on each others work.


Week 16: Closing the Circle

Teachers and students send their final goodbyes through the iEARN forums and the MY HERO Learning Circle closes.

(The forum will be active for a week after the end of the Learning Circle to make sure all final messages are received.)


Organizer created on 1/30/2020 2:42:14 PM by Laura Nietzer

Last edited 3/23/2022 12:26:25 PM by Laura Nietzer