
My hero, my mum

by Spela Tandler from Slovenia



  1. In my opinion a hero is that one person that you look up to and you feel much respect about him.

The second thought that comes to my mind when I hear the word hero is someone that has super powers and helps people in need. My hero is my mum

My definitions are similar to the examples. I just think that maybe my definitions miss some more explanations to it.

 The person I am thinking of is my mother. I believe that she fits the definition I write. My mum is my hero and she will always be. I have my mother as a hero because she is very caring and kind. When I grow up I want to be like her. She is also my best friend and I can tell her whatever is bothering me and she always tries to help me.

So my mother is my hero.

2. Hero in the story  is young 15 years old girl, named Melinda Rose Hathaway.  She died due to rare form of cancer named Askin's Tumor in 1996.

She created a website to encourage other people mostly children with similar illnesses to live their lives, be happy as much as they can, fight their illnesses and never give up. And she also did. She touched hearts of children all around the world and gave them hope and courage.

When Melinda was diagnosed  with a tumor, doctors did not believe that she will live a lot longer then two weeks, but Melinda instead of being sad and letting her illness get her down,  fought back with everything she had. Even though she was very sick she was able to encourage people, make them laugh and at last make them forget about their illnesses  for the moment. Those are the main reasons why writers admire her so much and rank her as a hero.

3. My hero is my mother as I said in the first file.

121514SunŠpela TandlerMy hero has not done anything special, just for being here when i need her and help me with the problems is enough for me. She comforts me when i am sad and makes me laugh.

This person is very important to me, because she is my mom and as a mom she plays a very important part to be there for her children, to help them and make them safe. She has not done anything special to change my life, but more important she gave me life. So here is picture of sun, because my mum is my sun.

4. On a beautiful January day an amazing creature was born. Ah yey you got it right it was my mother. She is my hero, my inspiration, we can also say my everything. She always supported me and gave me courage. We were best friends as long as I remember. I never was in that hard puberty phase so I think I always knew that she is my hero,  even though she and my father a lot of times didn't allow me a lot of things. But still I love them so much. So yes my mother she was always there when I needed her, I still remember when she read me a book and singing me to good night when I was younger. I remember when my father was of the home because of work I always go to her bed to cuddle and to be honest I do this now also. So when I got older and started going to school I remember she helped me a lot. She sat with me for hours to teach me a thing I did not understand. I cannot even imagine how much she struggle with me at the time. And now she is my best friend and everything that I just write. She really is amazing.


So in both stories the hero is mother. But still  they are both different. In my story i am just talking about my mom in general how good and amazing she is with no special reasons. But in other story kids mother is mother that take care of a kid with type 1 diabetes. She is talking about what everything her mother has to do for her because of that.


Page created on 2/23/2018 6:47:52 PM

Last edited 2/24/2018 5:43:52 AM

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