
My Choice Points is a Finalist at The MY HERO Film Festival

by Abigail Richardson from MY HERO Staff

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The MY HERO Project
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My Choice Points is a finalist at the MY HERO 2024 Film Festival

My Choice Points, an animated short film directed by Katy Ross and produced by Katy and Deborah Weiss (of My Day Maker) is a finalist at the 20th MY HERO Film Festival. The short animation delves into the daily struggles with stress and anxiety. The film is introduced and narrated by “Debbie Daymaker,” Katy’s animated embodiment of Deborah Weiss, who guides her patient—represented as a lovable animated horse—through a series of stressful scenarios and "choice points." Katy explains that all of us experience moments of stress, but that they need not define our day: "Each stressful encounter becomes a 'choice point,' offering an opportunity for conscious decision-making. By choosing positivity, gratitude, and understanding over frustration and negativity, we can gradually build resilience and adaptability." The film highlights how mastering these small, everyday decisions equips us with the strength to overcome larger challenges.

Said Wendy Milette, Film Festival Director, “We admire the passion and commitment displayed by the heroism in My Choice Points to make the world a better place and appreciate Katy and Deborah's efforts to bring these important stories to life through film. Katy is a wonderful filmmaker who uses her unique animation style to deliver important information about dealing with stress. ”

You can watch the film here:

My HERO interviewed Katy about the creation of the film.

169625Katy RossSuperdoodle 

Could you tell us about yourself in relation to your film?

I am a professional animation director and producer, having worked freelance since 2005 and then opening my own creative company Superdoodle[i] ( in 2015, winning many wonderful awards and accolades along the way. 

We are currently working on a series of animations for a fantastic company called My Day Maker (, who will be launching their wellness web app later this year. The course includes a gratitude journal and daily inspirational content aimed at helping users reset their mindset for a positive and purpose-driven life. 

I’ve been busy on these animation projects, working as co-producer, director, illustrator, animator and sound designer, alongside My Day Maker founder Deborah Weiss and my talented team at Superdoodle.

The My Day Maker animations have been well-received on the film festival circuit since December, earning several awards and selections. It’s wonderful to hear they are so well received, and we’re over the moon that My Choice Points has been selected as a finalist for the My Hero International Film Festival - thank you so so much.

Could you please tell us about the process of making the film?

The concept and script for My Choice Points were developed by Deborah Weiss, founder of My Day Maker. Deborah has headed Horses At Heart Inc., a charitable organisation in Toronto, Canada, for over 20 years. This organisation integrates wellness activities with equine-assisted therapy, supporting mental health for children, youth, adults, and families. Deborah created a handbook that is integral to all Horses At Heart programs that includes wellness concepts such as My Choice Points, and she is now turning the print version into an online program; My Day Maker. 

169625Katy RossMy Choice Points 

The ideas behind the course and these animations have been in development for a long time, with Deborah seeing firsthand how these concepts have positively impacted people in various ways. Her vision for My Choice Points was to offer a practical solution for managing anxiety and overwhelm by framing the day as a series of small, intentional choices. This approach makes mindfulness more concrete and accessible for viewers. The film’s strength lies in its relatability - everyone experiences moments of stress or frustration, but the animation shows that these moments don’t have to define our entire day.

I designed and illustrated ‘Debbie Daymaker’, an animated version of Deborah who introduces the concepts in the videos. I draw by hand, scan my illustrations in, clean and colour them in Photoshop and comp my work together in Adobe After Effects. I worked alongside a fantastic animator called David Connolly who mimicked my style in Adobe Animate and helped bring my characters to life. 

Who, if anyone, helped make this possible?

The concept and script of My Choice Points was created by Deborah Weiss, and I directed the project through my creative company, Superdoodle. I developed the design and illustration, and I worked alongside animator David Connolly, and sound designer Laura Izzard, who helped bring the concept to life. My husband, who is also an illustrator, was also an invaluable creative sounding board throughout the process. 

169625Katy RossMy Choice Points 

Making this film was incredibly rewarding but also challenging. One of the biggest hurdles was finding the right balance between conveying a serious message and keeping the tone light and relatable. Translating abstract concepts like "choice" and "mindfulness" into visuals is a challenging process, however, seeing the final product come together was a huge success, especially when audiences connected with the humour and message.

Do you have a personal hero?

This is a very difficult question to answer, and it led me to Googling the definition of a hero in order to cement the concept. It says “a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.” My thoughts went to my dad, who is bravely living with terminal cancer, who calls me to tell me about the perfect evening sky or the cake he just baked - noticing the little happinesses in life. Or my children, who go into every situation with courage and determination, even when they are apprehensive. They ask amazing questions and impress me daily. Perhaps my fellow Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW) sufferers, who have been to hell and back with pain and suffering yet bravely turn their struggles into positivity by sharing their stories and supporting others. Further afield, I think of Brené Brown, who has gained widespread recognition for her work on vulnerability, courage, and empathy. Her work has helped many people understand and embrace emotional openness and resilience, which is so hugely important.

Really, I’m not sure I have a singular hero. I am always impressed and admire people who have passion, kindness, determination and a strong heart. Anyone who has inner strength to do and be good is a hero to me.

Deborah from My Day Maker says that one of her heroes is Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, who not only performed David Bowie's Space Oddity from the International Space Station, but has written about personal development, goal setting, and healthy relationship building in wonderfully accessible terms. 

Importance of being an official selection for MY HERO Film Festival

Being selected as a finalist at the 20th MY HERO International Film Festival is a true honour. This festival is about celebrating films that inspire change and highlight important social issues, which aligns perfectly with our goals for My Choice Points and the other animations in My Day Maker. Having this recognition validates the work we’ve put into the film and, more importantly, helps spread the message about mental health and mindfulness to a broader audience. Thank you!

About the MY HERO International Film Festival:

The MY HERO Film Festival is an annual event dedicated to showcasing films that celebrate the power of the human spirit. The festival provides a platform for filmmakers to share inspirational stories of everyday heroes. Thanks to generous sponsors, prizes are awarded to elementary, middle school, high school, college and professionals in a variety of categories including documentary, narrative, music video, animation, experimental, and more.

The festival aims to inspire audiences to recognize the heroism in their own lives and encourage positive actions in their communities. Learn more.

Join us in celebrating 20 years of The MY HERO International Film Festival on November 16, 6pm @ the Ann and Jerry Moss Theater at New Roads School in Santa Monica, California. Find out more HERE.

[i] Superdoodle is a production company based in Bristol, UK.  Katy and illustrator husband, William founded Superdoodle to help people bring their stories to ‘glorious technicolour’ through illustration, animation and design. Find out more: About | Superdoodle | Splendid animation & illustration


Page created on 9/23/2024 3:29:06 PM

Last edited 9/26/2024 6:33:21 PM