Remembering the heroes of September 11

9/11 Heroes

On September 11, 2001, four U.S. commercial airplanes were hijacked; two crashed into the World Trade Center Towers in New York City, one went into the Pentagon in Washington, DC, and the last one crash landed in a field in Pennsylvania. No one in the planes survived, but thousands of others in the Pentagon and in the World Trade Center were in need of rescue. Men and women from all over the United States immediately stepped in to help with the rescue efforts.

We honor the memories of the brave men and women who died on that tragic day, we honor all of those around the world who have worked to help children and families of these victims recover. The firemen and policemen who bravely save the lives of others, with great risk to themselves, should also be remembered and honored today and everyday.

Mattie Stepanek: For Our World

Mattie's poems of peace and hope have touched millions of lives.

This poem was written post 9/11 as a call for PEACE.

Mattie Stepanek: For Our World
Credit: Jim Hawkins

Cookie Girl in the Hot Zone

Film Produced by Skip Blumberg

A short award winning film by Skip Blumberg about Jemma's efforts to support firemen and rescue workers in NYC post 9/1

Jeremy Glick

By: Emmy from Saddle River
Jeremy Glick was a hero of Flight 93 and Emmy's beloved father.
Credit: Danielle Soloway of Taft High School
A touching animation following the wife of a firefighter during 911.
Credit: Vlash Droboniku

More Stories

The Passengers of Flight 93

By: Nicole from USA
9/11 hero

Tom Theurkauf

Tom Theurkauf is loved, honored and remembered by his family.

Alan Beavan

By: Ramya from Fallsburg
Alan Beavan will be remembered for his bravery on Sept. 11, 2001.

Todd Beamer

By: Adam from Alabama
Todd Beamer, a 32 year old man who on September 11, 2001, lead an assault against three hijackers on Flight United 93.

Thomas Burnett Jr.

By: Sarah from Sycamore Jr. High

Stephen Siller: From The Tunnel to the Towers

By: Vincent from Manhasset
Stephen Siller: From The Tunnel to the Towers was a firefighter who bravely sacrificed his life to save others on 9/11.

Firemen of 9/11

By: Tolga, Friso and Pieter from Netherlands

The Heroes Among Us

The Heroes Among Us were everywhere on September 11 and after.


Firefighters in New York City are the heroes of the day.

Dennis Smith

By: The My Hero Project
Dennis Smith is an author and retired firefighter.

Film Festival 2005
Jemma Brown,
Cookie Girl in the Hot Zone

Messages of Hope and Peace

John Wallach

By: Susannah Abbey
John Wallach helps young people learn to make friends of enemies.

Peaceful Tomorrows

J.A. and Geraldine Reynolds

By: Claudia Hudson
J.A. and Geraldine Reynolds Founded 'Bruce's Garden' in NYC which honors Bruce, a victim of 9/11.

Jason Crowe

By: Wendy Jewell
Jason Crowe received the UN's Global Peace & Tolerance Award.

The Daffodil Project

By: Claudia Herrera Hudson
The Daffodil Project through the generosity of B&K Bulbs in the Netherlands, brought hope to NYC after 9/11.

Lyndon Harris: People Making a Difference

By: Marilyn Jones<br>Contributor of The Christian Science Monitor<br> <h5>Permis...
Lyndon Harris: People Making a Difference founded The Gardens of Forgiveness Project.

Daniel Libeskind

By: Claudia Hudson

Many stories from our guests...

Harold Schapelhouman

By: Kaitlin from Brea

The Firefighters of 9/11

By: Fernando from London

Firefighters and Policmen of 9/11

By: Bella from Aurora

Dave Karnes

By: Sean from St. Louis
A hero is a man who is afraid to run away.


By: Bobby from Houston
In memory of the firefighters of 9-11.

Welles Crowther

By: Samantha from San Diego

Angela M. Houtz

By: Haley from San Diego

Firefighters in 9/11

By: Matt from Riley, Kansas

John J. McCole

By: Saad A from Eden Prairie

Captain James J. Corrigan, Philip T. Hayes, William Wren

By: Canadian Buff from Sarnia

Heroes of 9/11

By: Patricia López de Vloothuis from Mexico City

Philadelphia Flight 93

By: Cassie from Fredericksburg

New York Fire Department on 9/11

9/11 Heroes
By: Aaron from W. St. Paul
All who risked their lives in 9/11
By: Philip Blair from Center, TX

Firefighters of 9/11

By: Tyler from California

Dominick Amatacci

By: Russell from USA
9/11 Hero

Thomas Langone

By: Ryan from Eden Prairie
This is dedicated to JoAnn, Caitlin, and Brian Langone.
The Firefighters of 9/11
By: Meredith from Ansonia
Truck Drivers on 9/11
By: Laurence from Bay Shore
New York Detectives on 9/11
By: Jerel from Bay Shore
Reporters during 9/11
By: Heather from Bay Shore


Children painting peace mural after 9/11

By: Art Miles Mural Project

Remembering the Fire Fighters...

By: Elayne Anaya

9/11 Memorial at Main Beach, Laguna Beach

An original painting by Doug Miller

9/11 Memorial at Main Beach, Laguna Beach
Credit: Doug Miller

Agents of Change

By: Art Miles Mural Project

Art Miles Mural Project

By: Art Miles Peace Muralists


By: Jessica of Laguna Beach High School



Producer: Vlash Droboniku
A touching animation following the wife of a firefighter during 911.

Love Hate Love [Trailer]

Producer: Dana Nachman and Don Hardy
Finding a way to move on in the wake of stunning violence.

Call to Action

Producer: Laura Nietzer
Kids take up activism in memory of a classmate's father.

Cookie Girl in the Hot Zone

Producer: Skip Blumberg
A post-9/11 portrait of a young girl who baked and served cookies to the workers coming and going to the World Trade Center site.
First aired on WGBH and Zoom's program America's Kids Respond
Visit 9/11 Day of Service - September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance.

Organizer created on 6/4/2011 2:09:44 PM by Becky Miller

Last edited 9/11/2020 9:38:16 AM by Jeanne Meyers