The first Friday in June is recognized as National Gun Violence Awareness Day
A nationwide movement that shows collective power, honors the lives lost on account of gun violence and those wounded by it.
Gun Violence Generic
Credit: MY HERO
National Gun Violence Awareness Day asks everyone who believes we can do more to save American lives from gun violence to do one simple thing: Wear Orange.
We Wear Orange in honor of Hadiya Pendleton and all those impacted by gun violence. Hadiya Pendleton was 15 years old when she was shot and killed in Chicago in 2013. Just one week earlier, Hadiya had performed with her high school majorette squad at President Obama's second inaugural parade.
A Block From Home
By: Brandon Ragnot
A victim of gun violence, Brandon Ragnot, his family and friends share intimate interviews, along with news footage and to take us through being shot in the head to subsequent path to healing.
'Keiko Fukazawa' directed by Anabelle Vo honored by Eva Haller
By: Abigail Richardson
The short film 'Keiko Fukazawa’ directed by Anabelle Vo is a finalist at 19th the MY HERO International Film Festival.
Blessed is the Peacemaker
By: Taqi Juba
Blessed is the Peacemaker is a short film developed by Wide Angle Youth Media's Mentoring Video Project.
By: Mendy Kanu
A song for peace and to urge people to stay away from the violence on the streets.
By: Joe Quint
From giving comfort to families to saving the lives of over 500 folks in addiction, Roz knows that her healing and her survival depends upon healing others.
Shannon Watts: A Driving Force Behind Gun Violence Prevention
By: Abigail Richardson
Shannon Watts is a prominent figure in the fight against gun violence in the United States
Keiko Fukazawa
By: Anabelle Vo & Margot Bennett
Keiko Fukazawa uses her art to address an issue that has greatly impacted the quality of life in America: gun violence.
“We call BS”: Gun Control Activist Emma González Radiates Power
By: Natalia Osuna
Brian Cooke
By: Lily Cooke
Brian Cooke works long days for his family, including writing articles about topics like gun violence.
Emma Gonzalez
By: Analeah Mafnas
Having survived the February 2018 Stoneman Douglas High School shooting Florida, Emma co-founded the gun-control groups Never Again and March for Our Lives.
Stories from the Christian Science Monitor
Teen activists’ power play: Unite on gun control, then get out the vote
By: Story Hinckley - CSM Staff writer
Sandy Hook Promise: School shootings don’t have to be inevitable
By: Chelsea Sheasley, CSM Staff writer @csheasley
As school shootings have mounted, many people have felt increasingly helpless to stop them. The Sandy Hook Promise Foundation offers some hope.
Help Me Save Lives by Kate De Ciccio/Amplifier
By: Kate De Ciccio
In partnership with Adobe Project 1324, Amplifier hosted an open call for youth art for the March for Our Lives campaign
Gun Mandala Stop the Violence by Shepard Fairey
By: Shepard Fairey
Protest Art created for March for Our Lives sponsored by The Amplifier Foundation
Protect Kids Not Guns by Micah Bazant/ Amplifier
By: Micah Bazant
Protest Art created for March for Our Lives sponsored by The Amplifier Foundation
Organizer created on 5/9/2024 1:32:17 PM by Abigail Richardson