National Pi Day

March 14

Pi Day is a celebration of the mathematical constant "pi" (or π in Greek)." 

Pi Day is celebrated on 3/14 every year because 3, 1, and 4 are the first three digits of pi.

3/14 is also Albert Einstein's birthday, who was born March 14, 1879.

The first celebration was held in San Francisco - and in it mathematicians walked around a circular room eating pie!

Fun Facts about Pi

Pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference (the length of the circle) to its diameter (any straight line that passes through its diameter).

Pi is constant -- that is,  it (the ratio) is the same for any circle.

Pi never ends. That is why it is usually represented as "3.14..." 

In Proposition 3 of his treatise Measurement of a Circle, Archimedes showed that pi had a value between greater than 223/71and less than 22/7That is why July 22 (7/22) is called "pi approximation day"!

Learn about Archimedes who first calculated Pi in 250 BC

Archimedes of Syracuse

By: Joey from Greendale
Archimedes of Syracuse was an early Greek mathematician, astronomer and inventor.


By: Collin from Liberty Township

Archimedes is important to me because some of his studies, inventions, and principles have a base in modern day science, math, physics, engineering, and astronomy.

Science Hero: Archimedes of Syracuse

By: Joey from Greendale
The Classical Greek mathematician and engineer whose inventions helped establish geometry and calculus.

Advanced Facts about Pi - Egyptians Approxmate Pi

The Egyptians

A circle is a shape, made up of the infinite number of points equidistant from the center of a circle. Unlike a straight line, it is hard to measure a circle! That is the essence of the problem of pi. 

Polygons are figures made up of lines, and hence easy to measure. The ancient Egyptians approximated pi by comparing a circle to something they could measure, a polygon.

The evidence for Egyptians approximating pi originates in the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus (1650 BC). Math scholars differ in their interpretations of the text. Here is one reading: In one section, the Egyptian scholar Ahmes poses a problem: if you have a circle with a diameter of 9 khet, what is its area?

Now khet is a measure like inch or feet, so we aren't too worried about that. And, as you can imagine, there are different polygons that can have the same diameter as a circle, such as a square or a polygon.

The area of a square with a side corresponding to the diamter 9 would be d2, or 92 = 81. But the square is bigger than the circle. The scholar Ahmes takes  1/9th of the diameter, and gets the number 8.

He thens squares the number 8 which gives 64. So, 64 is the area of a circle that has a diameter of 9. Modern scholars calculate pi from this, and some believe the Egyptian value for pi was 3.126 -- pretty close to 3.14!

Egyptian problem and pi
Credit: mh

Advanced Facts about Pi - Archimedes Calculates Pi with an Algorithm

It was the great mathematical genius Archimedes of Syracuse who created a new way of accurately calculating pi.

Archimedes created an algorithm to calculate pi. What's an algorithm? Just a series of steps, like a recipe.

Instead of just doing one calculation, he used the results of the first calculation and repeated the steps to get a more and more accurate calculation of pi. This is called an iterative process. 

In the Egyptian example above, we could see that a circle with diameter 8 would be smaller than a square with side 8. We also could see that a circle with diameter 9 is larger than a square with side 8.

Similarly, Archimedes used polygons both inside (inscribed) and outside (circumscribed) a circle to get closer and closer to the area of the circle--and find pi, the ratio of the circumference to the diameter.

He first used a 6-sided polygon, then doubled the number of sides to make a 12-sided polygon. What do you think came next?

He then used a 24-sided polygon, a 48-sided polygon, and finally a 96-sided polygon to get closer to the area of the circle--from which you could find the ratio of the circumference to the diameter. In other words, pi!



Squaring the Circle: A Case Study in the History of Mathematics

by Bill Cherowitzo, Professor Emeritus

Archimedes' Approximation of Pi

by Dr. Chuck Lindsey,  Associate Professor of Mathematics, Florida Gulf Coast University

All About Pi: Everything You Need to Know & Then Some

Measurement of a Circle


On the Egyptian Value of Pi

by Jason Dyer

Approximating Pi (NOVA)

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Organizer created on 3/13/2018 3:28:20 PM by Xenia Shin

Last edited 3/13/2018 9:17:49 PM by Xenia Shin