
Nelson Mandela

by Chloe Ryan from Del Norte High School

Chloe Ryan

Ms. Singer

HS E 2: Period 1

6 April 2018

Hero Essay

“Nelson Mandela was a freedom fighter. Sometimes this fight included violence, precisely because apartheid was a system of violence directed against the native black population of South Africa. Nonviolence for Mandela was not a principle but rather a tactic” (Munayyer). Mandela was a caring and humble man who fought long and hard for the justice and liberty of his fellow citizens. Nelson Mandela was born Rolihlahla Mandela, but later changed when he attended Christian school as a child. He was born on July 18, 1918 in Mvezo, South Africa. He spent his youth days herding cattle and farming. Growing up, Mandela always knew he wanted to be a leader in some way. Mandela finished school, and continue to help by joining organizations and protesting his beliefs. He went to jail for many years for fighting for the justice of him and his people. Mandela became the first black president in South Africa. He died on December 5, 2013. A hero must possess selflessness and dedication, where they always put others before themselves, needing nothing for themselves in return. Nelson Mandela is heroic because he shows selflessness by going to jail for many years to protest his beliefs, and always puts his people’s needs before his, but he continued to neglect the praise and affection they gave him.

       Nelson Mandela displayed selflessness because he went through years of prison and cruelty to stand up for the rights of his people and what they deserved. Mandela was very interested in engaging in activities that could make a change in the world. ¨Mandela became involved in South African politics with the African National Congress (ANC). The powerful National Party, which was made up of Afrikaners, passed laws that banned black people from holding government positions. Afrikaners were a small minority of white, upper-class South Africans descended from the British or Dutch. In 1952 Mandela and the ANC began a series of peaceful protests called the Defiance Campaign. Mandela also opened the first black law firm in South Africa to help people affected by the National Party’s laws” (Gale). Mandela joined organizations and became involved in whatever he could to make a change to his world. Mandela was very invested in equal rights; he joined organizations and worked day and night to fight for justice and liberty for his people. Nelson Mandela was dedicated to making a change, even if he had to be locked up for many years to try and make a change. “The whole world watched on February 11, 1990, as Mandela—thin and gray but unbowed—walked out of Verster Prison. Cheering crowds met him at every turn in South Africa. He told People: "I was completely overwhelmed by the enthusiasm. It is something I did not expect” (Munayyer). Mandela shows selflessness because he stood up for the people and fought no matter what trouble he got himself into.  Mandela went to jail to show a message. Mandela displays selflessness by going to jail for many years and enduring hard labor to make a change for his people and the cruel world they were forced to live in. Mandela displays selflessness by going to jail for many years working to fight for the justice of his people.

Nelson Mandela displayed dedication by never giving up the fight to bring justice and liberty to his people. Mandela continued to fight for his people even after he was locked away in jail for many years trying to protest. “After he was made a free man, Mandela worked with the ANC, the South African government, and other political organizations to end apartheid and allow black citizens to serve in politics. In 1992, he divorced his second wife. He and de Klerk won the Nobel Peace Prize for their work in 1993. Elections for the first multiracial parliament were held the following year” (Munayyer). Even after Mandela was freed from being locked up for 30 years, he still continued to fight for justice. Mandela displayed dedication because he never stopped the fight for equal rights for his people. Mandela continued to stay dedicated to his people when he protested even after his term in office ended. “After his term in office ended in 1999, Mandela--who was often called by the honorific title "Madiba,"--continued to work for causes of racial equality, justice, and peace. He established charitable foundations to continue the work that was his life's devotion, including 46664, which focuses on the fight against HIV/AIDS, and the Mandela Rhodes Foundation, which seeks to foster leadership skills among African scholars” (Gale).  Even after Mandela finished his job, he continued to fight for justice and equality. Mandela would not end the fight for equal rights until he died, his life goal was to bring justice. Mandela displayed dedication by never giving up until he brought justice to his people.

Nelson Mandela showed heroism through his selfless and dedicated acts, by fighting to bring liberty and justice for his people, and risking his life for the equality of all. Mandela was he first president of South Africa who fought daily to bring liberty and justice to his people. Everything he did was for his people, and in the end Mandela was awarded for his heroic acts and selflessness. Mandela fought for the freedom of himself and others, whether it involved physical violence and verbal. He stood up for the people and couldn’t and fought for what everyone deserved. Mandela was so dedicated to bringing justice, he served many long, hard years in prison. He became such an important man in history and a leading political prisoner.  Mandela spent his whole life being a leader. Not only did Mandela spend his whole life being a strong political leader, he also fought for the freedom of his people and to bring them the rights they deserve.


Works Cited


Munayyer, Yousef. "Nelson Mandela (1918-2013): Mandela and my son." Washington      Report on Middle East Affairs, Jan.-Feb. 2014, p. 12+. General Reference Center GOLD, Accessed 29 Mar. 2018.  


Nelson Mandela." Contemporary Authors Online, Gale, 2014. Biography In Context, Accessed 29 Mar. 2018.


Nelson Mandela." Contemporary Black Biography, vol. 117, Gale, 2014. Biography In Context, Accessed 29 Mar. 2018.


Nelson Mandela." The Bookseller, 14 Nov. 2014, p. 5. General Reference Center GOLD, Accessed 29 Mar. 2018

123768Nelson Mandela waving to his many fans as they supported him with his presidency. Mandela showing his pride as president and citizen of South Africa.

Page created on 4/20/2018 4:06:19 AM

Last edited 4/21/2018 7:09:41 PM

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Related Links

Nelson Mandela Twitter Page - This is the Twitter page of Nelson Mandela.
Nelson Mandela Foundation - This is a website of the foundation of Nelson Mandela, giving information and stories about what an inspiring and heroic person he was.