
NHS Helicopter Crew

by Teddy Denby from United Kingdom

MY HEROES are the pilot who flew the helicopter and the paramedic who attended my mum during the flight to the mainland when she was terribly ill during lockdown. If it were not for them my mum would have gotten extremely ill and may have had to have her leg amputated. Thanks to their quick response and care, my mum was able to make a full recovery.

The people who fly helicopters must go back and forth to pick up people from the mainland and islands and other places. I live on an island in Scotland. The people who fly and attend to patients on air ambulance helicopters must go back and forth to pick up people from the mainland and islands and other places, helping save people’s lives who if not attended to quickly could possibly die. The national health service workers must work all day and night (most work at least 12-hour shifts). The NHS are there to always help people. If they did not, there would be a lot more sick people in Britain. 

144154NHSTeddy DenbyIn my eyes all NHS workers are HEROES. They are multi-skilled workers and can see so many different people in so many different situations; for example, a birth, a death or a serious illness, all in one day. They are my heroes.

Page created on 4/29/2021 11:27:45 AM

Last edited 4/29/2021 3:18:00 PM

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