Young Heroes

Nick Vujuic

by Taalor Fondren from memphis, Tennessee in United States

Hello, My name is Taalor Fondren and I attend Lausanne Collegiate School in Memphis, TN. In thinking about my Hero project, I brainstormed some heroes and the hero that I chose to share with you today is Nick Vujicic. Nick Vujicic is a motivational speaker with tetra-amelia syndrome, a disorder that causes him to have no limbs. He shared his story about himself almost committing suicide at a young age because he did not have the ability to do what others could do. Instead, he  thought about what his parents told him. They told him that he was a handsome boy and they showed that they cared for him. That made him rethink his decision because he did not want to disappoint his family. He shared this story to let people that are going through similar things know that it is someone out in this world that cares for you and will always be there for you.  

Vujicic once said "And know that there is always someone out there who believes in you and who loves you just the way you are." What this means to me is to never give up because someone will accept you how you are no matter what. He also mentioned, " It's a lie to think you're not good enough. It's a lie to think you're not worth anything." Therefore, do not dwell on your past and bring yourself down. Start being positive and better yourself because the good will eventually come. Also, never compare yourself to anyone that is better than you because that will damage you more.

Vujicic helped me realize that it is people that have more problems in this world than me and do not have the ability to do half the things I do. There is always someone doing worst than me and would love to be in the position I am in. It shows me how I am grateful for everything I have and give a better understanding of why I should not judge others because they are not like me.

123826Nick Vujuic


123827Nick Vujuic and his family 


Page created on 4/23/2018 7:09:45 PM

Last edited 5/1/2018 3:19:15 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.


Wilson, Yvonne. 15 Best Nick Vujicic Quotes That Will Inspire You To The Max. [Online] Available