
Nyjah Huston

by Alfonso R from San Diego, California in United States

123120Nyjah HustonCelebsnetworthtoday.comThe definition of a hero varies from person to person. Although some may not classify Nyjah Huston as a hero deep down Nyjah posseses all the characteristics of a true hero. As well as having various definitions of a hero, people characterize heroes based accordingly on their option of what a hero is to them. Nyjah is loved by many skateboarders and ordinary people all around the world, he is loved for of course his amazing skateboarding but also for his sympathetic character to promote and encourage others to care for those in need and his powerful tendency to preserve through hardships. Nyjah Huston American professional skater and arguably one the greatest skaters of all time started skating when he was five years old, influenced by his father and older brothers who were amazing skaters, Nyjah picked up the passion quickly and followed the path his dad, Adeyemi, chose for him. Known for making flying down a stairway railing on a skateboard look easy. All throughout his career of skateboarding Nyjah has won countless awards contests and medals and he still continues to this day. Nyjah has lived and grown up in southern California for most of his life, he was living a stable life, living in beautiful and sunny California, waking up every morning, practicing and mimicking his older brother skating maneuvers, a life that any 8 years would ask for until suddenly it went all wrong. His dad moved him and his family to live in Puerto Rico in an isolated farm, where food, water, and electricity was limited. For various years Nyjah, his mom, Kelle, and older siblings lived in harsh conditions from having no water, food, nor electricity at certain points in time, to eventually his mother having enough and leading to a divorce. There Kelle battled in many courts to win full custody of  Nyjah, this was the turning point of Nyjah’s career here he could move back to California with his mother, older brothers, and sisters and live a more suitable life. Each an every day Nyjah spent living on his farm in Puerto Rico, to some consent forcing Nyjah to practice and practice over and over again, has now prepared Nyjah for the major skate events back here in southern California. Coincidentally enough, Nyjah has won countless skating events throughout his skateboarding career, from X games to Dew Tour, to Street League, and tons more, plus he still continues to win the majority of the contents he takes place in till this day. Nyjah is living the life he was had always dreamed of. And with his earning, Nyjah and Kelle started the Let It Flow organization where they aim to provide clean water to some of the millions of people who are living without it. In order for someone to be a hero, they must possess careness for those in need and be faithful to overcome challenges in life. To care for those in need means to show empathy for those who are in need, they act upon their actions and truly go out there and do their best to go and help people in need. To show faithfulness someone must demonstrate overcoming challenges and being devoted and determined to overcome those challenges life always throws at you. A great example of someone who strives and portrays those characteristics is Nyjah Huston. All through Nyjah Huston’s lifetime, he shows the caring for those need and is faithful to overcome challenges in life, this clearly shows why Nyjah Huston is a genuine hero. 

123114Nyjah HustonXGames ESPNNyjah Huston’s commitment to preserve and strive through rough times in his life makes him a true definition of a hero. As a young child Nyjah had a remarkably strict father where Nyjah faced multiple restrictions on his actions and many challenges all through his childhood. “But in 2006, his life took a dramatic turn when his father abruptly moved the family to Puerto Rico, where they lived on a farm in the mountains – a 26-acre property purchased with Nyjah's earnings. The Huston family lived under strict conditions, being home-schooled by their mother, adhering to a stringent vegan diet and spending their days working on the farm” (Hendrikx 4).  Nyjah demonstrates perseverance and faithfulness by overcoming this hardship at this period of his life, his father abruptly moved the family to Puerto Rico so randomly, where they lived on an isolated 26 acre farm in the mountains , the Huston family lived in very harsh conditions from sometimes having  no available electricity or water, which lead to Nyjah and his brothers having to go down to a nearby stream of water and collect some for the need of their family, they lived in these conditions for a couple years, and allowed Nyjah to become very disconnected from his sponsors. But Nyjah had faith, that eventually all these troubles will end and he will back at a stable point in his life.  Although Nyjah faced many hard times throughout his childhood, without those times he wouldn't be the amazing person he is today. “If I wasn't raised they I was, I mean yeah I had a strict dad and it was really hard growing up with him sometimes, but it got me to where I am now“ (The Nine Club 32:00-36:00).  Despite Nyjah going through hard times in certain points in his childhood he persevered and was faithful each and every day knowing one that all these problems would eventually end, and therefore they did making him the fascinating person his is today.  This clearly shows how Nyjah Huston demonstrates the true definition of her through the act of perseverance and overcoming his rough times growing up as a child. All through Nyjah’s childhood he has faced many hard times, from him having a very strict father, where he restricted Nyjah from doing the things normal kids loved doing, to him living in an isolated farm, striving for the need of water, food, and electricity,  and growing up with no friend what´s so ever, to finally his parents divorcing, Nyjah had faith through all these hard times in his life and overcame them.

123115Nyjah HustonXGames ESPNAlong with his perseverance to overcome challenges, Nyjah Huston demonstrates and encourages others to to promote careness for those in need. From his own first hand experience, living in an isolated mountain in Puerto Rico, Nyjah experienced battling the necessity of water, food and electricity not only for his person need but for his family's as well. “My mom and I started Let It Flow a few years ago. We came up with the idea together, after visiting places where people don't have access to clean water. We've completed a lot of projects where we've built and repaired broken water wells. A huge percentage of wells in poor countries are just broken and need to be repaired” (Hendrikx 18). It was those hard times, in Puerto Rico when Nyjah had to battle for the need of water, that inspired him and with the help of his mother to create the Let It Flow, a nonprofit organization where Nyjah and his mother aim to encourage and act upon the helping those in need for water. This evidently shoes how Nyjah promotes caring for those in need by starting an organization where goes all around the world aiming to bring clean, sustainable water to destitute communities in need. Along with main act of traveling around the world helping out these communities he also encourages other to call upon action by helping people that are in need of anything. On top of Nyjah building and fixing wells in vulnerable communities like Ethiopia, Nyjah also builds extraordinary skate parks for local orphanages with kids who loved skateboarding. “Ethiopia is beautiful. The people are so positive. Our guide in the city was also caretaker of about 40 orphans. All those kids love skateboarding, but they don't have the means or a decent park. They had most shattered ramps you could imagine and the worst pavement to ride on. So we got California Skate Parks out there and we built them a proper mini concrete skate park. All those kids were so stoked and psyched. It's so cool to see how happy you can make a bunch of kids with something so simple as a skateboard and some smooth concrete to ride on” (Hendrickx 19).  Along with helping out these communities for the necessity of clean water, Nyjah also cared for the entertainment of the orphanages, he wanted to build them a skate park where they can have fun spending the time riding on a skateboard. This shows how Nyjah demonstrates an act of caring for those in need, by doing the little things like building a skate park for those in poverty to have fun can really change their lives drastically. Without the of the act of Nyjah promoting and encouraging others to care for those in need, he wouldn't be considered the true definition of a hero.

123122Let It Flow OrganizationESPN.com123116Nyjah HustonX Games.comNyjah Huston’s career has indeed led him to show caring for those need and has been faithful to overcome his challenges in life, therefore it is inevitable that Nyjah Huston is an accurate example of a hero. Overall, Nyjah Huston professional skater, known for his great character, ability to making flying down a stairway railing on a skateboard look easy, and arguably one the greatest skaters of all time, started skating when he was five years old influenced by his father and older brothers who grew up skating together. Throughout his career of skateboarding, Nyjah has won countless awards contests and medals and he still continues to this day. But in order to succeed, you must face challenges. There Nyjah as young child has faced many troubles from having strict father, where he restricted Nyjah from doing the things normal kids loved doing, to him living on an isolated farm in very hard conditions , and growing up with now friends, to finally his parents divorcing, Nyjah perceived through all these hard times in his life and overcame them. But without these times it wouldn't have made Nyjah the inspiring person he is today. “People always ask me how you make it in skateboarding, and I always tell them, it's definitely not just your skateboarding that's going to make you big in the skateboarding industry, I’m sure you know a ton of people out there who do the most insane tricks, but it's  definitely more than that it’s about being a good person deep down, having a positive personality, and just overall being someone who people always want to be around with” (The Nine Club 40:00-45:00). Nyjah shows someone who is motivational by encouraging skaters all around the world that it doesn't just take an amazing skateboarder to make it the scene of skateboarding, Nyjah inspires young upcoming skaters to overall to have a good personality and be someone who everyone wants to around with. Along with inspiring many people around the world, Nyjah’s inspiring actions and motivational hardships will never be forgotten and he will continue to portray these actions and help inspire the world.

Works Cited

HENDRIKX, ERIC. "The Impossible Rise Of Nyjah Huston.” Rolling Stone, no. 1249, 03 Dec.2015, p. 52. EBSCOhost,

HENDRIKX, ERIC. "Hot Skater: Nyjah Huston." Rolling Stone, no. 1249, 03 EBSCOhost,

“Nyjah Huston” | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts - Episode 86.” The Nine Club (Youtube) , The Nine Club , 26 Feb. 2018, Accessed 26 Feb. 2018.


Page created on 4/17/2018 7:10:50 PM

Last edited 4/25/2018 3:18:01 PM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

Nyjah Huston's Growing Pains - ESPN X Games - Nyjah's Life story
The Impossible Rise of Nyjah Huston - Nyjah's Life Story
c - Nyjah's and Kelle's Let It Flow Organization