
Oprah Winfrey

by Sophia Reyes from San Diego, California in United States

“The great courageous act that we must all do, is to have the courage to step out of our history and past so that we can live our dreams.”
― Oprah Winfrey

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”
― Oprah Winfrey

“The thing you fear most has no power. Your fear of it is what has the power. Facing the truth really will set you free.”
― Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey's Heroic Life

Imagine being so influential that people would rush home early from work just to see what you have to say every night. Throughout history, there have been many people who are powerful and positive influencers toward society. One talk show host has inspired many and provided several opportunities for individuals to do phenomenal things in their lifetime: Oprah Winfrey. “Oprah Gail Winfrey was born to Vernita Lee and Vernon Winfrey on an isolated farm in Kosciusko, Mississippi, on January 29, 1954” (“Oprah Gail Winfrey”). When she was growing up, she had a rough childhood. At the age of nine, she was raped by one of her family’s “close” friends, and by age fourteen she had her first baby that died prematurely. Although she experienced these situations at a young age, the traumatic incidents did not stop her from succeeding in the future. In her years of school, she was determined to do well. She was an intelligent young lady and did what she could to stay on top of her school work: “She became an excellent student, participating as well in the drama club, debate club, and student council. In an Elks Club oratorical contest, she won a full scholarship to Tennessee State University. The following year she was invited to a White House Conference on Youth”(“Oprah Gail Winfrey”). Oprah grew up with resilience and she did not let anything stop her from reaching her highest potential. This resilience contributed to her heroic characteristics defined as being determined and selfless. Having determination could be standing up for something you believe is right and acting upon the situation. Being selfless is going out of your way to better the life of another person. Oprah Winfrey possesses character traits of determination and selflessness through her acts of charity and by using her popular platform to better our world by standing up for what she believes is right.


120235Oprah at the Golden Globes

Oprah Winfrey reflects the heroic trait of determination through her ability to stand up against child abuse, along with how greatly she impacted children in poverty throughout South Africa. Winfrey decided to stand up for the children in America by proposing a federal legislation made to keep the records of child abusers on file all over the country: “In 1991 the tragic story of a four-year-old Chicago girl's molestation and murder prompted Winfrey, as a former abuse victim, ‘to take a stand for the children of this country,’ she explained in People. With the help of former Illinois governor James Thompson, she proposed federal child protection legislation designed to keep nationwide records on convicted child abusers. In addition, Winfrey pursued a ruling that would guarantee strict sentencing of inpiduals convicted of child abuse” (“Oprah Gail Winfrey”). Oprah demonstrated determination through this act because she stood up for what she believed in and did what she thought was right. She took a horrible situation and did what she could to help prevent the event from happening to others in the future. Also, she took her own experience with the situation and projected a voice for the “children in this country.” Oprah took the voices of those who couldn't be heard, and used her own voice and her platform to speak up for those kids. The fact that she proposed federal protection to keep child abusers records on file shows her need to help people who suffered as she did. She also reflects the trait of determination by helping children in poverty throughout South Africa by educating the lives around the world on this topic. “In 2004, Winfrey and her team filmed an episode of her show in South Africa to help bring attention to the plight of young children impacted by poverty and AIDS. During the three-week trip, Winfrey visited schools, orphanages, and other places to distribute Christmas presents to children”(“Oprah Winfrey,” UXL). Oprah shows her determination through her ability to broadcast the lives of these children, and to hopefully gain the financial support from people to help the ones in need. She sets an example by helping children in South Africa and even donating her own time and energy to speak up for them. It’s unimaginable the impact she made to those lives and what that act did to inspire those around the world. Without Oprah’s determination to help the youth in poverty, those kids would never be where they are today. She performed uncountable amounts of good deeds for children all over the world, and it just starts with having the willpower to stand up to do something good in the world. Overall, Oprah demonstrates her determination through the amazing acts she does for the children in need of a voice.

120220Winfrey helping with Hurricane Katrina 

Adding on, Oprah Winfrey displays selflessness through the numerous amounts of her charities which have improved countless lives. Winfrey has had a positive impact on the world through the support she has given to South Africa. “She encouraged her viewers and readers to improve their own lives by improving those of others. To this end, she started a public charity called Oprah's Angel Network in 1998, which pooled public contributions to offer support and scholarships. She formed a private charity called the Oprah Winfrey Foundation to offer aid to educate and support women and opened a girls' school in South Africa”(“Oprah Winfrey,” Contemporary). Oprah does not just use her plattform for entertainment purposes; she uses it to spread good throughout the world and encourage people to help those who truly need it. Oprah took matters into her own hands to help people around the world. She not only made The Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, but she also made The Oprah Winfrey Foundation and Oprah’s Angel Network. Both of these foundations provide education for those that do not have the financial assistance or the accessibility to a proper education. The two foundations do this by the donations made from people all around the world. She has empowered the people watching her show to help those around them and encouraged viewers to do the right thing by helping better lives of others. This demonstrates Oprah’s selflessness by her action of putting others in front of herself. In addition to Oprah helping those who need education, she also raises money to help with natural disasters:“In 2005, Business Week named her the greatest Black philanthropist in American history. Oprah's Angel Network has raised more than $50 million for charitable programs, [...] and relief to the victims of Hurricane Katrina”(“Oprah Winfrey,” This gives another example of how Oprah does whatever she can to help those who need it. She will find a cause that involves people who need potential aid and will donate her time, money, or raise money through charity to help the inpiduals that need the assistance. The total amount of fifty million dollars shows how much effort she has put into those charities. Oprah demonstrates the heroic characteristic of selflessness through her endless pursuit to better the lives of other people. These acts demonstrates Oprah’s character trait of selflessness through the tremendous amounts of people she has aided throughout all the charity she has done.

120215Oprah Winfrey and The Angle Network Program


 Winfrey possesses determination and selflessness because of her acts of charity and her ability of using her popular platform to better our world by standing up for what she believes is right. One way she shows determination is when she proposed a federal legislation law that held the names of child abusers on file throughout the country. Oprah also demonstrates her determination when she raised awareness for all the children living in poverty throughout South Africa. Not only does Oprah show determination, but she also displays her selflessness through all her time and money donated towards a variety of different charities: “Winfrey herself interviewed many of the 3,500 seventh- and eighth-grade girls who applied for the 152 available spots at the school. Winfrey refers to the students as "my girls" and plans to teach leadership classes via satellite”(“Oprah’s Girls”). By creating this campus, she goes beyond to inspire people to not only do things for themselves, but to try to better the lives of others. The way she looks at problems and her capability to make an impact, shows what amazing things she will be doing in the future. If she ever changed her mind and ran for president, she would make the U.S. more stronger and unified because it would bring our nation back together, and we would regain respect from other nations. She has several positive past accomplishments that have illustrated her true colors: integrity, sound moral judgement, and her ability to relate to the common person.


Works Cited

"Oprah Gail Winfrey." Encyclopedia of World Biography, Gale, 1998. Student Resources in Context, Accessed Feb. 2018.

"Oprah's girls." Current Events, a Weekly Reader publication, 22 Jan. 2007, p. 2. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 4 Feb. 2018.

“Oprah Winfrey.”, A&E Networks Television, 18 Jan. 2018,

"Oprah Winfrey." Contemporary Black Biography, vol. 61, Gale, 2007. Biography in Context, Accessed 4 Feb. 2018.

"Oprah Winfrey." UXL Biographies, UXL, 2011. Student Resources in Context, Accessed 4 Feb. 2018.


Page created on 2/13/2018 5:32:45 PM

Last edited 2/28/2018 5:04:13 AM

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Related Links

Oprah Winfrey Website - On this website it has inspiration, healthy recipes, fashion and beauty advice, etc.
Oprah Winfrey's Golden Globe Speech - This is Oprah's inspiring speech at the Golden Globes
Oprah Winfrey Fan Opinion - This is a blog about how influential they believe Oprah Winfrey is.