MY HERO Tiffany Shlain

Tiffany Shlain has been called one of the women transforming the 21st century. This Emmy-nominated filmmaker uses technology and storytelling to bring us an inspiring vision of how far we can go as the human race, and to celebrate our interconnectedness. Learn more about this internet pioneer below.

About Tiffany Shlain

Tiffany Shlain & Goldie Hawn Win The MY HERO Media Award

By: Abigail Richardson
The MY HERO Project is thrilled to announce that Tiffany Shlain & Goldie Hawn will be honored with the 2024 MY HERO Media Award at our 20th Annual Film Festival.

Tiffany Shlain

By: Wendy Jewell from The MY HERO Project
Tiffany Shlain is Director and Founder of the Webby Awards.

Films by Tiffany Shlain

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Credit: *mh*
Credit: *mh*

Organizer created on 8/22/2016 12:03:43 PM by Pace Porter-Zasada

Last edited 7/18/2024 8:58:23 AM by Abigail Richardson