Meet Mendy Kanu, Principal of The Children Foundations of Technology School, Sierra Leone
Mendy Kanu: Pioneering Educationalist in Sierra Leone
By: Abigail Richardson
Mendy founded The Children Foundations of Technology School.
NON VIOLENCE wins the Sing for Hope Music Video Contest
NON VIOLENCE is the winner of the 2023 Sing for Hope Music Video Contest
By: Abigail Richardson
NON VIOLENCE is a music video from Sierra Leone
By: Mendy Kanu
Credit: Mendy Kanu*mh*
Mendy Kanu and his students from the Children's Foundation of Technology in Sierra Leone participated in the MY HERO Global Learning Circle with some pretty impressive results... THANK YOU from your Facilitator and the MY HERO team for spreading messages of PEACE and inspiration with your music and your high level of participation. Looking forward to working with you again and learning about the HEROES of Sierra Leone. Wendy Jewell - Facilitator
WINNER of the MY HERO YOUTH ENGAGEMENT AWARD Song Contest for Future Generation!
Future Generation: Children's Foundation Of Technology- Sierra Leone
The Song Future Generation is dedicated to street kids that we need to encourage them and that the best way in life for them is education.
Hunger Land
Together we can make a difference.
Make a Difference
By: Mendy Kanu
This song is all about how me and you will come together as one and make a difference that other generations can benefit from.
Last Days
Ishmael and Alusine
Producer: Childrens Foundation of Technology
Created in Sierra Leone for the MY HERO Learning Circles