College stories

Our favorite stories by college students

Whitworth College

Frida Kahlo

By: Aimee Eggink from Spokane

Jerry Yang

By: Erin from Spokane
Jerry Yang co-founded Yahoo! Inc.

Geoffrey Canada

By: Whitney from Spokane
“Whatever It Takes"

Harry Holt

By: Katie from Spokane
"All children are beautiful when they are loved." Bertha Holt

James Herman Banning

By: Russ from Spokane
James Herman Banning was an early African American aviator.

Sir Edmund Hillary

By: Josh from Spokane

Betty Rommetvedt Zagel

By: Sarah from Spokane
Betty Rommetvedt Zagel is a caring mother and grandmother and continues to use her gifts to give to others

Dick Hoyt

By: Jay from Spokane
Dick Hoyt is a dedicated Dad who breaks down barriers to his son's disability.

Grace Croft Montgomery Kelly

By: Pam from Spokane
Grace Croft Montgomery Kelly inspired her granddaughter to return to college in her forties to earn her degree.

Ivan Babak

By: Lilia from Spokane
Ivan Babak is a hardworking immigrant father from Ukraine who helped build a caring and sharing community.

Sharon Snyder

By: Ruth from Spokane
Sharon Snyder is a role model, friend, and a constant source of strength, encouragement, and help.

Reverend Peter Nguyen Van Hung

By: Kendra from Spokane
Reverend Peter Nguyen Van Hung works to end human trafficking of Vietnamese women workers and brides.

The Greensboro Four

By: Maranda from Spokane
The Greensboro Four protested segregation with a sit-in at Woolworth's lunch counter.

Dr. Paul Brand

By: Al Schmidt from Spokane
Dr. Paul Brand was a compassionate surgeon who pioneered work in leprosy.

Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

By: Becky from Spokane
Sor Juana is a famous Mexican writer, poet, nun, and influential women's right leader from the late 17th century

William Wilberforce

By: Vickie from Spokane
William Wilberforce was influential in the abolition of the slave trade and of slavery in the British Empire

Irena Sendler

By: Kelly from Spokane
Irena Sendler helped Jewish children escape the Warsaw ghetto during the Holocaust.

Sompop Jantraka

By: Nicole from Spokane
Sompop Jantraka helps poor children in Thailand to avoid child prostitution and obtain an education.

Oscar Arias Sanchez

By: Ashley from Spokane
Oscar Arias Sanchez won a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to establish peace in Central America.

Maya Angelou

By: Angie from Spokane
"Success is loving life and daring to live it"

Galileo Galilei

By: Patricia from Spokane
Galileo Galilei was the first to use a telescope to observe the stars and planets.

Billy Mills

By: Dona from Spokane, Washington
Billy Mills is an Olympic gold medal runner who encourages Native American youth to believe in the power of their dreams.

Chen Shih-hsin

By: Kara from Spokane, Washington
Olympics Hero from Taiwan

Mia Hamm

By: Brent from Spokane

Roberto Clemente

By: David from Spokane, Washington
Roberto Clemente was a baseball great and a selfless humanitarian.

Luisa Orellana

By: Amy from Spokane
Luisa Orellana is an English as a second language teacher who inspires her students to reach for their dreams.

Ranald MacDonald

By: Kelley from Spokane
Ranald MacDonald was a Native American/Scot wayfarer who helped open up Japan to the West.

Viola Vaughn

By: Brande from Spokane
Viola Vaughn founded an organization that supports girls working to achieve academic success in Africa.

Raden Adjeng Kartini

By: Trisha from Spokane
Amy Tan
By: Erin from Spokane
Amy Tan is a novelist and advocate of Lyme disease research.

Leo Tolstoy

By: Jess from Spokane
Leo Tolstoy, was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time.

California State College, Fullerton

Frederick Douglass

By: Donna from Cal State Fullerton
Frederick Douglass courageously spoke out against slavery and became a trusted advisor to Abraham Lincoln.

Anne Lamott

By: Kyra from Fullerton
Anne Lamott is an acclaimed novelist whose work mirrors life.

Isabel Maria Forte

By: Annia from Fullerton

Organizer created on 1/5/2015 7:11:19 AM by Becky Miller

Last edited 12/24/2018 12:49:17 AM by Anthony Pouw