Heroes From Romania

Grade 3 students from the class of Teacher Ecaterina Rupesac - share their heroes through painting

We took part in the My Hero Learning Circles and it was exciting to see all our partners countries on the map. We hope you like our heroes.

Students from Scoala No. 28, Dan Barbilian, Constanta, Romania participated in the My Hero Learning Circles. They chose to share their heroes through art. These are their heroes.

My Hero Alex Ruso

My Hero is Britany

My Hero is my CAT

My Hero is Cenusareasa

My Hero - Chiriches

My Hero is DUCK

My Hero is Flo Tudor

My Hero is Harry Potter

My Hero is Harry Potter

My Hero is my dog Mox

My Hero is Mulan

My Hero is my Teacher

My Hero is Pery Ornitoringul

My Hero is Pery Ornitoringul

My Hero is Rhino

My Hero is Rudy

My Heroes are my friends

My Hero is Sonic

My Hero is Spiderman

My Hero is Spiderman

My Hero is Spiderman

My Hero is Spiderman

My Hero is Stefania

My Hero is Stefania

Organizer created on 2/3/2013 11:19:42 AM by David Kemker

Last edited 7/18/2013 4:55:20 PM by David Kemker