MY HERO Movies Online

Enjoy films about and by The MY HERO Project throughout the years.

Laguna Life TV - Laguna Hero Fest 2013

By: Laguna Life TV
Laguna Life TV was there to document Laguna Hero Fest 2013, where the community gathered to celebrate local heroes.

Salon Sizzle Reel

Produced by:MY HERO
Sizzle reel form 4/18/13 MY HERO poetry and jazz salon


By: The MY HERO Project
The MY HERO Project celebrates the best of humanity through media and technology.

Mali Bickley and Jim Carlton Global Educators

Mali Bickley And Jim Carlton Honored As Global Educators share lessons about their creative use of technology in the classroom.
MY HERO on China's New Tang Dynasty TV
By: New Tang Dynasty TV
The MY HERO Film Festival's presence in China continues to grow.

Organizer created on 7/11/2013 9:30:33 AM by Daniel Chavez

Last edited 1/3/2019 11:18:29 AM by Anthony Pouw