MY HERO VR for Social Good

A Resource Guide for Virtual Reality in the Classroom

Virtual Reality is a new tool that is being researched for use in many different disciplines. Researchers and developers are looking into its use in Gaming, Psychology, Medicine, Storytelling, Education, and more.
MY HERO VR Educator Guides are designed to help educators lead activities that build empathy, promote activism, provide inspiration, harbor innovation, and promote best practices using this new technology. This resource guide is a starting point to bring Virtual Reality into the classroom.

Content Resources

Many assets are available. We have broken them down into sections depending on your viewing decision.

Huffpost RYOT is a company that produces 360 video documentary - style virtual reality films.

The BlueVR is an excellent underwater adventure that introduces students to the many varied species of marine life.

There are many 360 experiences on YOUTUBE 360 videos. Content on YT has to be vetted of course, but there are many school-friendly experiences.

NASA Mars Rover 360 video. For the astronauts in your classroom.

Mattel Viewmaster Experiences cover the gamut and specialize in geography with 360 images of places around the globe.

Discovr Labs will soon offer experiences that involve STEM subjects such as geography, science and math.


Using a computer, tablet, or smartphone

Head Mounted Displays using a computer

Head Mounted Displays (HMD) offer a high resolution immersive experience by blocking out the outside environment. There is Facebook's Oculus Rift (preorder $600) and the HTC Vive ($800). Computer specifications vary but mostly center around a Windows computer with a substantial graphics card. Laptops can work. There are specifications listed, check these links:

Facebook Oculus:
HTC Vive:

Display devices using a smartphone

For 360 experiences and other VR applications you can use low cost and disposable devices like the Samsung Gear VR powered by Oculus which sells for $99, or the Google Cardboard ($15). There are other devices like the Mattel Viewmaster ($29) as well.

Go to this link to see options:

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Organizer created on 9/19/2016 3:25:15 PM by Jun Kelly

Last edited 6/2/2020 8:41:39 PM by Wendy Milette