I have been dreaming to become a teacher from my early\r\nchildhood. I wanted to be the one who can guide the other young souls; I wanted\r\nto be the one who would be proud of her students' little or big success.
\r\n\r\nAll my life I tried to grow myself, to develop and to\r\nable to help my pupils. Their success is my success too and I am happy to share it\r\nwith others. Participation in MY HERO project was a new step towards their\r\nfuture and I am glad that we participated in it. I am glad that they got engaged and created their stories, speaking about heroes.
Organizer created on 1/15/2016 11:38:24 PM by Natalia Rata
Last edited 11/22/2019 2:41:05 AM by Anthony Pouw