Hello dear Friends!
This is our first participation in such a project. It is interesting on one hand and it is
difficult on the other hand. But, of course it is a great experience for me and my students.
We have read many wonderful stories about different people.
My students have found much useful and new information about their heroes.
We have written about our hero, a person who is admired not only by our students but by many people of our country.
You can find some monuments to this person in our city.
He was really brave and did many manly deeds.
We’ll be glad to continue our participation in this project. And we think we will become more proficient.
School 28 Mogilev, Belarus
Organizer created on 12/24/2011 6:45:19 AM by Evgenia Zinovich
Last edited 11/22/2019 2:18:36 AM by Anthony Pouw