My Hero Call to Action:Nickels For Nepal

My Hero Call to Action inspired children to find a project that they could help others. McConnell Elementary gifted students have helped to support a non-profit called Nickels For Nepal. This foundation works with a NGO in Nepal, Project Education Nepal to help the untouchable children in the remote Mijar Village 100 KM outside Kathmandu, Nepal. 

 In collaboration between their teachers,Christine Hockert of Nickels For Nepal, and Nawaraj Baskota Kavya School, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal and Project Education Nepal supplies have been provided to the Mijar Village Children. In addition, regrettably, this Jan.11th Nawaraj's wife, Bishnu Baskota who was the librarian at Kavya School passed away suddenly with a heart attack. To honor her life a special scholarship fund was established to help the Mijar Village Children. A full scholarship has been awarded to Binod Gaire 3rd grade from the Mijar Village School. We are all so proud of Binod and excited that he will have an opportunity to improve his educational opportunities and his life. 

Nawaraj Baskota, Principal Kavya School and Bidnot Gaire Bishnu Baskota Scholarship Fund Recipient
Credit: Chris Hockert Nawaraj Baskota

Organizer created on 5/30/2011 8:27:24 AM by Mia

Last edited 12/10/2020 11:24:57 AM by Laura Nietzer