World Oceans Day | June 8

A global day of ocean celebration and collaboration for a better future.

The theme for the United Nations World Oceans Day 2024 is 'Catalyzing Action for Our Ocean & Climate. By growing the movement through transformative collaboration, we aim to create not only a healthy blue planet, but also a more just, equitable and sustainable society.'

Credit: Michal Strzelecki, Wojtek Strzelecki i Jerzy Strzelecki [CC BY 3.0]


Teachers: Visit the free MY HERO Lesson Plan for World Oceans Day. Includes discussion guide and learning outcomes.

Click below to access the 2024 Sylvia Earle Ocean Conservation Award Pubic Voting Activity for Students

2024 Sylvia Earle Ocean Conservation Award Public Ballot Lesson Plan
Credit: MY HERO

These films feature innovative people and organizations who are committed to preserving and protecting sustainability of the ocean.

Protecting Coral Reefs

By: NOAA Ocean Today
NOAA and the National Park Service are creating a geo-referenced coral reef base map to better understand coral reefs

The Art Of Discovery

By: Mónika Naranjo-Shepherd
Like scientists, artists conceptualize and put together ideas in new ways. Artists and scientists both have the ability to offer a deeper understanding of our Ocean.

Ocean Guardians

By: Selket A Kaufman
Visionary creates grassroots social enterprise to prevent whale extinction.


Hendrik S. Schmitt
The Jetlagged and Plastic Pollution Coalition want to show our addiction to plastics and raise awareness about the impact plastic waste has on the environment.

Voice Above Water

Produced by:Turning Tides Films
Learn about 90 year old, Wayan Nyo from Indonesia, who does his part to clean the ocean and make the world a much better place.

Meet the Filmmaker - Ocean Heroes

Nina Clare Constable
Conservation photographer, Nina Constable, talks about her work as a videographer, her passion for nature and wildlife .

All the Way to the Ocean

Produced by:Joel Harper
A story about two friends and their discovery of the relationship between our cities' storm drains and the world's oceans, lakes and rivers.

Restoring the Coral Reefs in Florida by Richard Morris

Richard E Morris
This film introduces Sea Heroes who are working to restore the depleted coral reefs off the Florida Keys.

MABON ‘The 8 year old activist’

Jack Davies
Our world has a serious ocean plastics problem. There are now a higher number of plastics in the ocean than the number of fish.

Blue Ventures

Gabriel Diamond

In 2004, marine biologist Alasdair Harris encouraged a coastal Madagascar community to close off a small section of their octopus-fishing area for a few months to see if this would boost productivity.

Looking After Our Environment: James Price Point

Produced by:Mark Pearce
Mark Jones speaks out against a gas development complex that spells doomsday for some species living around James Price Point.


Avery Bazan
A collaboration between Oceans Unmanned and DJI utilizing drones to help entangled humpback whales.

Defending The Deep

Will Parrinello

Claire Nouvian led a focused, data-driven advocacy campaign against the destructive fishing practice of deep-sea bottom trawling, successfully pressuring Intermarché to change its fishing practices. 

What can the UK learn from Sussex's inshore bottom trawling ban?

Michael Dorgan
Through this film, Oceana calls on the UK government to introduce such a ban on bottom trawling along the whole UK coast and in all marine protected areas

Sea Fever

Produced by:Tim Davies
A poetic & musical expression of connecting to the mighty sea.

The Sentinel

Brendan Donovan
A call to save the Antipodean Albatross.

One World One Ocean

Produced by:MacGillivray Freeman Films
One World One Ocean campaign inspires stewardship of the sea.

Laguna ECO HERO Segment: MacGillivrays One World One Ocean

Produced by:The MY HERO Project
Segment from the Laguna Beach ECO Heroes documentary featuring the work of Greg, Barbara, Shawn & Meghan Magillivray with their One World One Ocean Campaign.

Gwala Rising in the Bwanabwana Islands

Produced by:Whitney Yadao-Evans, Niquole Esters, and Jennifer Shoemaker
Gwala Rising in the Bwanabwana Islands depicts the revitalization of traditional conservation practices in the islands of Papua New Guinea.

British Steve Hearn and His Stories with Ocean Animals in Hainan

Hainan Touch
British Steve Hearn and his Stories with Ocean Animals in Hainan

Ocean Hero Spotlight

Jessica Vance
Oluwaseyi Moejoh from Nigeria and Heather Brockbank from the Bahamas share their stories of ocean activism.

Rise From the Cape Flats

Shamier Magmoet
Shamier Magmoet overcomes difficulty and learns to educate youth to experience the ocean, becoming advocates and protectors of therof.

Stories | These ocean heroes work to maintain biodiversity through creative means.

Trash Heroes

By: Elias Amador
Trash Heroes is an international, volunteer-led organization that mobilizes youth in over 12 countries to clean and prevent plastic waste in their communities.

Help Mary Save Coral

By: Amanda Molinaro from Irvine
Help Mary Save Coral works to repopulate the world's coral.

Alexandra Cousteau

By: Slater Jewell-Kemker
Alexandra Cousteau was honored as an Earth Trustee by the UN for her work to protect the oceans.

Sylvia Earle Ocean Conservation Award

By: Abigail Richardson

Listen & Read Along | These stories have text and audio so you can listen as you read along. Great for ESL and ELL students.

Jacques Cousteau

By: Jeff Trussell

Jacques Cousteau pioneered marine conservation, underwater sea explorer, born 1910. [This story is also available in Spanish and French.]

Sylvia Earle

By: Edward Ortiz

"The key is to see ourselves as a part of the natural systems that support us." [This story is also available in Spanish and French.]

Rachel Carson

By: Wendy Jewell
Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring, was the mother of the environmental movement.

Art | Photographers illustrate the beauty of the ocean and pay tribute to the ocean conservation efforts in shoreline communities.


By: Patsee Ober

Patsee Ober uses her underwater camera to illustrate the rich life beneath the surface of the Pacific Ocean.

Henry the Harbor Seal by Alex Cowdell, Laguna Blue

By: Alex Cowdell

The Laguna Bluebelt honored this photograph in its annual ocean photography competition because it aptly captured the harbor seal in the kelp forest.

Blue Glass by Noah Munivez, Laguna Bluebelt

By: Noah Munivez

This iconic ocean photo received 1st prize in the Amateur category of the 2018 Laguna Bluebelt contest.

Rock Bottom by Bryan Greenberg, Laguna Bluebelt

By: Bryan Greenberg

Bryan Greenberg's award-winning photo shows the shoreline with its awesome rocks in a powerful and beautiful moment, for the Laguna Bluebelt's conservation efforts.

Learn about the Sylvia Earle Ocean Conservation Award in the

MY HERO International Film Festival!

Credit: myhero

Related Links | Click on the images below to learn more

World Oceans Day
The United Nations Celebrates World Oceans Day

Organizer created on 3/14/2013 10:08:07 AM by Becky Miller

Last edited 5/8/2024 1:15:32 PM by Abigail Richardson