MY HERO Celebrates Worldwide Water Conservation Heroes

The United Nations General Assembly designated March 22, 1993 as the first World Water Day to celebrate the importance of fresh water and managing our fresh water resources. This year the focus is on nurturing opportunities for cooperation in managing the waters that cross borders and link us together. “Whether we live upstream or downstream, we are all in the same boat.”

Jon Rose

By: David Kelly
Jon Rose founded Waves for Water, which works on the front-line to provide clean water.

Wetland and Water Conservation
in South Africa

Dr. John Todd: A Sewer Becomes a Water Park

By: Karen Charman ©2004-05 YES!<br>Used with permission from YES! magazine.<br><...
Dr. John Todd: A Sewer Becomes a Water Park with floating botanical gardens that are helping restore ecological health.

Ryan Hreljac

By: Wendy Jewell
Ryan Hreljac helps build wells for clean water in Africa.

Alexandra Cousteau

By: Slater Jewell-Kemker
Alexandra Cousteau was honored as an Earth Trustee by the UN in 2007 for her work to protect the oceans.

The Seawater Greenhouse

By: Claudia Hudson
The Seawater Greenhouse transforms seawater into drinking water.

Dr. Richard Murphy Marine Biologist

By: Wendy Jewell
Dr. Richard Murphy Marine Biologist educates others about the sea and ways to protect the oceans for the future.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

By: Wendy Jewell
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an eco-warrior defending the earth for future generations.

Prigi Arisandi

By: Ade from Surabaya
Prigi Arisandi works to educate people on the importance of protecting the rivers of Indonesia.

Sandra Postel

By: Edward Ortiz
Sandra Postel believes in the importance of water conservation.

Australian Aborigines Protecting Wetlands

Australian Aborigines Protecting Wetlands by working to conserve the environment around them.

Michal Kravcik

"When people declare that something must not be done, others should not interfere with what they are trying to do."

Jean-Michel Cousteau

By: Slater
Jean-Michel Cousteau is committed to protecting the ocean for future generations through education and conservation.

Fin Donnelly

By: Jenny Kim
Fin Donnelly works to keep our rivers and waters clean.

Rachel Carson

By: Wendy Jewell
Rachel Carson was the mother of the environmental movement.
Marjory Stoneman Douglas
By: "Friends of the Everglades"<br><h5>Permission to use this material was grant...
Marjory Stoneman Douglas was instrumental in preserving the Florida Everglades.

Chief Oren Lyons

By: Aibanrihun Lyngdoh
Chief Oren Lyons is an internationally venerated advocate for preserving biodiversity.

Dr. Vandana Shiva

By: David Kemker
Dr. Vandana Shiva works to preserve biodiversity for the planet.

Healing Waters: Jeff and Wendy Dean's Guatemalan Adventure

By: Jeff and Wendy Dean
"We can’t fix it all on our own, but there’s probably one part that gets us going more than others, and for Wendy and I, it’s water, clean drinking water." Jeff Dean

China's Living Water Garden

By: Anne H. Mavor <BR> ©2004-05 YES!
A polluted river in China becomes the site of a water park that provides a safe place for children’s play, a celebration of water’s beauty, and a cleansing of the water itself.

'No Butts' Measure Inspired by Ingenious Woodbridge Siblings

By: Joseph Straw <br>Washington Bureau <br>Reprinted with permission from the <i...
Three Woodbridge siblings' bid to stop smokers from using the world as their ashtray has been heard on Capitol Hill. "No Butts About It," is the name of the campaign founded by teens Amy, Allie and David Steinmetz.

Engineers Without Borders

Engineers Without Borders are working to change the world.

Jason Expedition Disappearing Wetlands

"The mission of this JASON Expedition is to work with our host researchers to better understand what wetlands are, why they are disappearing, and how to best manage these ecosystems in Louisiana, in your neighborhood, and around the world."

Worldwide Wetland Conservation

By: Staff Writer
Learn about Wetlands the world over and the heroes saving them.


Rainbow Cavern

By: Jeff Klamer
Rainbow Cavern

Water is Life

By: The Art Miles Mural Project

Purple Tube Sponges

By: Jim Dean
Vibrant color and form at Vaerssenbaai, Curacao.

love our ocean

By: Vienca Wan Ka CHAN


Jon Rose - Humanitarian Hero

Producer: Tom Aiello of HURLEY International
Humanitarian Jon Rose brings clean water to the people of Haiti.
Healing Waters (Jeff and Wendy Dean's Guatemalan Adventure)
Producer: Jeff and Wendy Dean
Jeff and Wendy Dean travel to Guatemala to research the issue of clean water.

New Faces of Engineering: Jacquelin Reed

Producer: Juli Reed
Jacquelin Reed is a young civil engineer from Laguna Beach, and she is driven to make clean water accessible to all communities.

Conserve Water

Producer: Deandrea Lottier
Creative students from Taft High School express the importance of conserving water.

Running for Water

Producer: Polly Green
Jin Zedell started a worldwide movement for runners to raise funds for clean drinking water.
See, Listen, Speak: Ngarrindjeri's being heard
Producer: Carl Kuddell
This AWARD WINNING documentary presents the real impact the water crisis is having on the Coorong and its people.

Global Focus V - Ecuador

Producer: Will Parrinello - Producer /John Antonelli - Director

A few brave men fight to protect the beauty of the Ecuadorian Rainforest and the lives of the people who live there.

Don't Give it All Away
Producer: Slater Jewell-Kemker
Slater uses this wonderful song by World Party to promote youth activism.
The Cola Kayak
Producer: Jody Lemmon
An adventure down the LA river on a kayak made of recycled materials. 2008

Commit to our Earth

Producer: The Dream Team
Fifth graders commit to helping the environment.


Organizer created on 3/19/2009 8:26:44 AM by

Last edited 1/1/2019 1:41:52 PM by Anthony Pouw