Wendy Jewell

By: The MY HERO Project

Wendy Jewell is a Producer/Writer and the Facilitator of the MY HERO Global Learning Circles. 

Aids Heroes

Fati Kirakoya

By: Wendy Jewell
Fati Kirakoya is a researcher committed to finding solutions to end HIV/AIDS.

Sinikethemba Choir

By: Wendy Jewell
Sinikethemba Choir uses music to break the silence about AIDS.

Daphna Ziman

By: Wendy Jewell
Daphna Ziman founded Children Uniting Nations.

Angel Hero

Sasha Earnheart-Gold

By: Wendy Jewell
"Be the change you want to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi

Artist Hero

FACEBOOK STORIES - THE CONDITIONED a short film by Director Michael Marantz

By: Wendy Jewell from The MY HERO Project
FACEBOOK STORIES - THE CONDITIONED a short film by Director Michael Marantz is dedicated to sharing stories and ideas from Facebook's community.

Hands Up Don't Shoot Team

By: Wendy Jewell from The MY HERO Project
Hands Up Don't Shoot Team created by 2 young filmmakers, with support and mentorship from their high school, Pearl-Cohn Entertainment Magnet.

Jane Kim

By: Wendy Jewell from The MY HERO Project

Business Hero

Anita Roddick

By: Wendy Jewell
Anita Roddick is an activist for social and environmental change.

Unreasonable At Sea

By: Wendy Jewell <br> The MY HERO Project
Unreasonable At Sea radical experiment in global entrepreneurship to solve the greatest challenges of our time.

Community Heroes

Budi and Peggy Soehardi Roslin Orphanage

By: Wendy Jewell and David Kemker
Budi and Peggy Soehardi Roslin Orphanage provides a loving home to care for displaced and orphaned children in East Timor.

Chukou Thao: National Hmong American Farmers

By: Wendy Jewell from The My Hero Project

The short film "CHUKOU THAO" is a finalist in the "Professional Portraits of Organizations" category in the 8th annual MY HERO Film Festival.

Cynthia Costas Cohen

By: Wendy Jewell from The MY HERO Project
Cynthia Costas Cohen goes to the front lines of disasters to help with post-traumatic stress.

Holly Carter

By: Wendy Jewell
Holly Carter gives kids and others the tools to tell their stories. Everyone of us. Everywhere. Connected.

By: Wendy Jewell Everyone of us. Everywhere. Connected. launched to provide internet access to the two thirds of people around the world who are not connected.

Kathy Eldon - Update 2009

By: Wendy Jewell
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." President Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevelt

Kathy Eldon (French)

By: Wendy Jewell

Malika Sanders

By: Wendy Jewell
Malika Sanders was born into the Civil Rights Movement and continues work today.

Molly's Film The Story of a Young Filmmaker

By: Wendy Jewell
Molly's Film The Story of a Young Filmmaker is the winner of the 8th Annual MY HERO Film Festival.

Robin Lim

By: Wendy Jewell
Robin Lim devotes her life to improving the birth experience so that all humans are born with an intact capacity to love.

Shirley Blair

By: Wendy Jewell
Shirley Blair helps bring education to Tibetan children from Nepal.

Teri Gabrielsen

By: Wendy Jewell from The MY HERO Project
Teri Gabrielsen founded Africa Schools of Kenya.

William Kamkwamba

By: Wendy Jewell & David Kemker
William Kamkwamba designed and built a windmill, at the age of 14, for his family in Malawi, Africa.

William Kamkwamba (French)

By: Wendy Jewell & David Kemker

Earthkeeper Heroes


By: Wendy Jewell

Dawa Steven Sherpa

By: Wendy Jewell
Dawa Steven Sherpa works to protect his beloved Himalayan Mountains and villages.

Dr. Liang Congjie and Friends of Nature

By: Wendy Jewell
Dr. Liang Congjie and Friends of Nature: was a voice for China's environment.

Emily Hunter

By: Wendy Jewell
Emily Hunter is an environmental activist, eco-journalist and filmmaker.

Laurie David

By: Wendy Jewell
Laurie David is passionately committed to stopping global warming.

Michael Reynolds, Garbage Warrior

By: Wendy Jewell
Michael Reynolds, Garbage Warrior combines biology and architecture to build sustainable housing.

Mika Vanhanen

By: Wendy Jewell from The My Hero Project
Mika Vanhanen is the founder and director of Environment Online, a global virtual school for sustainable development

Mrs. Mei Ng: Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong)

By: Wendy Jewell
Mrs. Mei Ng: Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong) uses education to foster environmental awareness in China

Ocean Robbins

By: Wendy Jewell
Ocean Robbins helps organize young people committed to protecting the planet.

Philippe Cousteau

By: Wendy Jewell
Philippe Cousteau continues the work of his father, Jacques Cousteau, through Earth Echo International.

Rachel Carson

By: Wendy Jewell
Rachel Carson was the mother of the environmental movement.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

By: Wendy Jewell
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is an eco-warrior defending the earth for future generations.

Family Heroes

Kathy Eldon

By: Wendy Jewell
Kathy Eldon inspired by her son, works for peace and tolerance.

Kathy Eldon (español)

By: Wendy Jewell

“¡Nunca te rindas, nunca te
rindas, nunca jamás jamás te rindas!”

Estas fuertes palabras de Winston Churchill se convirtieron
en el mantra que ayudó a Kathy Eldon después de la trágica muerte de su hijo.

Freedom Heroes


By: Wendy Jewell
RAWA promotes women's rights through non-violent action.

Health Heroes

Hazviperi Betty Makoni

By: Wendy Jewell
Hazviperi Betty Makoni founded the Girl Child Network to transform lives.

Melinda Gates

By: Wendy Jewell <br>The My Hero Project
Melinda Gates is passionate about helping mothers and children in developing nations.

Hero's Heroes

Vedran Smailovic

By: Wendy Jewell
Vedran Smailovic 'The Cellist of Sarajevo,' is Peacemaker Jason Crowe's hero.

Heroes of Faith

Pope Francis

By: Wendy Jewell from The MY HERO Project
Pope Francis cares for the poor and works for peace.

Lifesaver Heroes

Joel Burns

By: Wendy Jewell
Joel Burns reached out to GLBT teens with a personal story and a message of hope.

Michael Bociurkiw: Emergency Communications Worker

By: Wendy Jewell

"Don't forget the downtrodden." Michael Bociurkiw

Ryan Hreljac

By: Wendy Jewell
Ryan Hreljac helps build wells for clean water in Africa.

Media Maker Heroes

Tiffany Shlain

By: Wendy Jewell from The MY HERO Project
Tiffany Shlain is Director and Founder of the Webby Awards.

Musician Heroes

Bruce Springsteen

By: Wendy Jewell from The My Hero Project
Bruce Springsteen is a musician who 'taps the full power of music to tell the real American story'.

Jessica Baron

By: Wendy Jewell from The MY HERO Project
Jessica Baron is the founder of Guitars in the Classroom.

Kenji Williams - Founder & Director of Bella Gaia - in Conversation with The MY HERO Project

By: Wendy Jewell from The MY HERO Project
Kenji Williams creates music and films that celebrate the earth from the perspective of space.

Peacemaker Heroes

Dan Eldon

By: Wendy Jewell
Dan Eldon inspired Kathy Eldon with his art, his poetry and his life.

Desmond Tutu

By: Wendy Jewell from The MY HERO Project
Desmond Tutu worked to end apartheid in South Africa and encourages forgiveness.

Dr. Arnold Noyek, founder of CISEPO

By: Wendy Jewell
Dr. Arnold Noyek, founder of CISEPO the Canada International Scientific Exchange Program.

Dr. Ed Gragert

By: Wendy Jewell
Dr. Ed Gragert works towards peace and global education.

Ed Gragert (French)

By: Wendy Jewell

"Toute personne a du savoir à transmettre. Il n’y a pas de personne qui soit intelligente au point de n’avoir rien à apprendre des autres ."
Daniel Reyes, iEARN Argentine

Ibrahim Alex Bangura

By: Wendy Jewell
Ibrahim Alex Bangura makes music that sends a message of peace and tolerance.

Jason Crowe

By: Wendy Jewell
Jason Crowe received the UN's Global Peace & Tolerance Award.

Marc Dullaert

By: Wendy Jewell from The MY HERO Project
Marc Dullaert is the founder of the International Children's Peace Prize.

Marianne Williamson

By: Wendy Jewell from The MY HERO Project
Marianne Williamson is the founder of the Department of Peace Campaign.

Niños de la Paz (español)

By: Wendy Jewell

Papa Francisco (español)

By: Wendy Jewell del Proyecto MI HÉROE

“Tenemos que incluir los excluidos y predicar paz.” Papa Francisco

Peace Children

By: Wendy Jewell
Peace Children voted overwhelmingly for peace and change.

Peace It Together

By: Wendy Jewell
Peace It Together empowers youth to promote peace.

Peace Palace
International Court Of Justice

By: Wendy Jewell
Peace Palace International Court Of Justice seeks global peace and justice by settling disputes between countries.

Poet Heroes

Ilse Bing
By: Wendy Jewell
Ilse Bing was a remarkable poet and photographer. Her works withstand the test of time.
Ilse Bing (español)
By: Wendy Jewell

Science Heroes

Ariel Ruiz i Altaba Scientist - Photographer

By: Wendy Jewell
Ariel Ruiz i Altaba Scientist - Photographer combines art and science to research how cells are generated and formed.

Beth Rickard Environmentalist

By: Wendy Jewell
Beth Rickard Environmentalist is an advocate of solar as the energy of the future.

Commander Chris Hadfield

By: Wendy Jewell from The My Hero Project
Commander Chris Hadfield is the first Canadian to become the commander of the International Space Station.

Darlene Cavalier

By: Wendy Jewell
Darlene Cavalier founded to promote science literacy.

Dilfuza Egamberdiyeva

By: Wendy Jewell
Dilfuza Egamberdiyeva cares for the Earth's soil, researching ways to produce microbes to control plant diseases.

Dr. Edward Holland

By: Wendy Jewell
Dr. Edward Holland Ophthalmologist transplants corneal stem cells to help give people their sight back.

Dr. Kristi Curry-Rogers

By: Wendy Jewell
Dr. Kristi Curry-Rogers is an accomplished paleontologist who travels the globe in search of dinosaur digs.

Dr. Madan Kataria

By: Wendy Jewell
Dr. Madan Kataria has started a revolution of joy and laughter that is spreading around the world.

Dr. Richard Murphy Marine Biologist

By: Wendy Jewell
Dr. Richard Murphy Marine Biologist educates others about the sea and ways to protect the oceans for the future.

Dr. Rosalie Bertell
Anti-Nuclear Nun

By: Wendy Jewell

"We have to be part of something larger than ourselves, because our dreams are often bigger than our lifetimes. Religion has a profound effect on our staying power." Rosalie Bertell

Dr. Sara W. Lazar Neuroscientist - Meditator

By: Wendy Jewell
Dr. Sara W. Lazar Neuroscientist - Meditator researches the effects of meditation on the brain.

Dr. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh

By: Wendy Jewell
Dr. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh is a scientist dedicated to the study and conservation of bonobos.

Fabiola Gianotti

By: Wendy Jewell from The MY HERO Project
Fabiola Gianotti is an Italian particle physicist.

Gina Gallant

By: Wendy Jewell
Gina Gallant is an inventor whose passion is protecting the environment.


By: Wendy Jewell
First, do no harm.HIPPOCRATES, (hih POK ruh teez) who some call the Father of Medicine was born in Greece on the Island of Cos and lived from 460 B.C. until 377 B.C. . Hippocrates is famous for the Hippocratic oath, which is usually interpreted as one of the first statements of a moral code of conduct to be used by physicians, one that espouses respect for all human life.

Paul Munsen Solar Oven Man

By: Wendy Jewell
Paul Munsen Solar Oven Man manufactures sun ovens, which harness the sun's rays to provide an environmentally safe source of energy.


By: Wendy Jewell
"LA LUMIERE EST LA MESSAGERE DE L’UNIVERS" Zohra Ben Lakhdar, Professeur de Physique à l’Université de Tunis (Tunisie) a été nominée Lauréate africaine du prix L'Oréal-UNESCO 2005. Ce prestigieux prix est décerné aux femmes de science exceptionnelles. Elle a gagné ce prix grâce à ses expériences et modèles sur la spectroscopie infra rouge et ses applications dans la détection de la pollution et la médecine.

Rosalind Picard

By: Wendy Jewell from The MY HERO Project
Rosalind Picard is internationally known as a leader in envisioning and creating innovative technology.

Stephanie Jenouvrier

By: Wendy Jewell
Stephanie Jenouvrier is a population ecologist researching the effects of climate change on emperor penguins.

Tom Chau
Biomedical Engineer

By: Wendy Jewell
Tom Chau Biomedical Engineer uses science and technology to maximize opportunities for people with disabilities.

Zohra Ben Lakhdar

By: Wendy Jewell
Zohra Ben Lakhdar is a physicist from Africa who does research on atomic spectroscopy.

Sports Heroes

Johann Olav Koss: Right To Play

By: Wendy Jewell from The My Hero Project
Johann Olav Koss is a Norwegian Olympian who founded Right to Play.

Teacher Heroes

Becky Miller

By: Wendy Jewell
Becky Miller is the General Editor for MY HERO.

Dr. Margaret Honey

By: Wendy Jewell
Dr. Margaret Honey is working to transform the way we educate our children in science, math, engineering and technology.

Geoffrey Canada

By: Wendy Jewell
Geoffrey Canada is an educator, social activist and president of the Harlem Childrens Zone in New York.

Guillermo Ojeda-Lajud

By: Wendy Jewell from The My Hero Project
Guillermo Ojeda-Lajud is teacher in Mexico who helps his students gain filmmaking skills.

Guillermo Ojeda-Lajud (español)

By: Wendy Jewell del Proyecto MI HÉROE

El maestro Guillermo Ojeda-Lajud, o "Memo", como lo llaman sus estudiantes, ha estado haciendo y sometiendo películas cortas, con sus estudiantes, al Festival de Cine MI HÉROE los últimos 6 años desde su escuela CRAFTS, Talleres en inglés y certificación en Xalapa, México. Sus estudiantes nos han llenado de cariño nuestros corazones con su pasión pos sus héroes y por hacer películas. Crafts es una escuela que enseña el inglés cuyo objetivo principal es usar el lenguaje en talleres significativas, divertidas y desafiantes. Guillermo me dice, "Tal vez esto explica nuestra participación en este maravilloso proyecto colaborativo, El Proyecto MI HÉROE. Los estudiantes eligen sus héroes personales después de analizar diferentes criterios para hacer su elección final.

Rowena Gerber

By: Wendy Jewell
Rowena Gerber and her students raise money to send Solar Ovens around the world.

Rowena Gerber (español)

By: Wendy Jewell

Rowena Gerber (French)

By: Wendy Jewell
On devrait donner à chaque enfant l’occasion d’influencer positivement la vie d’une personne donnée. Espérons que les adultes suivent cette voie

Wendy Gorton

By: Wendy Jewell from The My Hero Project
Wendy Gorton is an educational technology consultant and Google Certified Teacher.

Wendy Jewell (French)

Women Heroes

Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands

By: Wendy Jewell
Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands honors the bond formed between Canada and Holland during WWII with tulips.

Lucky Chhetri

By: Wendy Jewell from The My Hero Project
Lucky Chhetri runs the 3 Sisters Adventure Trekking company and Empowering Women of Nepal.

Organizer created on 8/7/2016 10:24:20 AM by Wendy Jewell

Last edited 12/24/2018 12:54:38 AM by Anthony Pouw