
Prof. Bruan

by mike from pleasant prarie

Prof. Braun is so lively and full of life. I look up to him because of the things he knows in beyond anyone i know. I love his class soo much and looking up to him makes me want to be just like him. I want to be able to speak latin during old testamint class just like him. I would also love to have a tone of voice that could make nations upon nations deaf.

The next thing I like about him is that he lives in Watertwon which means he probably goes to all the clubs at night and gets all the ladies. Now thats a true hero. There is no other professor that could kill a bear barehandedly or hypmotise people (put them to sleep) besides Professor Braun

Page created on 5/31/2001 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/31/2001 12:00:00 AM

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