
Patrick Tillman

by Tianna Vollrath from San Diego, California in United States

123669Pat Tillman Memorialjustmypicks.comWhen it comes to heroes, many superhero names come to mind. Maybe they are names from a movie or a TV show, but what about the real life heroes who have risked their lives for everyday citizens? They may not have their own show, or they may not be the subject of a movie, but they exist, and they are everywhere, constantly making the world a better place. There once was someone who made the decision to quit their professional career and leave their family behind so they could fight for the freedom of their country. His name was Pat Tillman. Patrick Daniel Tillman was born to Mary and Patrick K. Tillman on November 6, 1976. He grew up in Fremont, California where he went to school and took after a football career. He attended Arizona State University where he won the Pac-10 defensive player of the year award. He had become a star athlete who was drafted by the Arizona Cardinals as a safety in 1998. He had successful years as a pro which included setting team records. Although, once the September 11 attacks hit, Tillman was impacted greatly. He felt guilt for not contributing to the country, so he then quit his NFL career and joined his brother in enlisting for the Army Rangers. His courageous act was sadly cut short when he died in a friendly fire in Afghanistan. There is a lot to learn from Tillman, as he is a greatly respected hero. To find a hero, they must possess specific characteristics. A hero needs to be selfless because they should be acting for the greater good of others, instead of only thinking of just themselves. A hero should also be able to make necessary sacrifices to accomplish their goal. They must take a risk so that others can have a better life. Pat Tillman chose to go beyond the duties of an NFL player; he inspires others by his selfless act of enlisting in the armed forces and by sacrificing his life and successful career to fight for the freedom of others.

123067Pat Tillman (right)

Pat Tillman exemplifies selflessness when he gave up his dreams and career to be able to provide for others. After being motivated from witnessing the terror attacks on September 11, 2001, he made a bold decision: “After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Tillman was motivated to join the U.S. armed forces.” (Gale Biography in Context). Tillman showed his true morals when he chose to enlist in the army rather than pursue his NFL dreams of winning a Super Bowl. He could have chosen to stand back and let someone else take the risk, but Tillman stepped forward and made the commitment. His bold action has saved lives and inspired others to make the moral decision. His sacrifice can be seen as a generous act that benefits other people’s lives instead of just his. Pat Tillman was deeply affected by the 9/11 attacks and chose to act upon it: “He told the media, ‘A lot of my family have fought in wars, and I haven’t done a damn thing as far as laying myself on the line like that’”(John Vorperian). Pat Tillman took it upon himself to fight for his country just as his family has done in the past. He shows guilt when acknowledging his lack of contribution to defend for the freedom of U.S citizens. Tillman felt the urge to fight for his country when no one expected him to. He had a successful career waiting for him and a recent family depending on him, and he still set aside his personal desires so that he could make a bigger difference in the world. Since he chose to focus on helping others rather than himself, Tillman’s decision to enlist in the army at such a crucial time in his life truly displays his selfless personality.


Pat Tillman showed his bold sacrifice when he laid his life on the line when serving for his country. Pat Tillman was shipped out to fight in Afghanistan in 2003: “In March 2003 Tillman was deployed to the Middle East. On 22 April 2004 Corporal Tillman, twenty-seven years old, was killed in Afghanistan, purportedly in the course of a firefight with anti-coalition militia forces” (John Vorperian). Pat Tillman sadly died in a friendly fire after being sent to Afghanistan to fight. He did what he could, but it didn’t turn out in the best case scenario. He did what not every other citizen could have done, which was to sacrifice his life so that the country could have its freedom. He knew death was a possibility when he chose to enlist, but still wanted to do it anyways. This shows how dedicated he was in providing for his country, rather than focusing on himself. Pat Tillman gave up many important aspects of his life and can be described as an: “...American football player who left a lucrative National Football League (NFL) career playing for the Arizona Cardinals to enlist in the U.S. Army after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001” (Patricia Bauer). Pat Tillman chose to leave his career in which he was very successful in, and he also left his family behind so that he could fight with the army. What he did shocked many people since he had everything one could ask for. He had a prosperous career, a family, and good health, and he still felt the need to risk his life for the country. He made the ultimate sacrifice when he decided to put his life at expense so that others could have freedom and safety. Pat Tillman can be seen as a hero after he sacrificed his life to serve in the army when he didn’t have to.

123071Pat Tillman

Pat Tillman is a true hero because he exemplified selflessness and great sacrifice when he put his life on the line to serve for the country and left his family and affluent career behind. Pat Tillman once said, “Somewhere inside, we hear a voice. It leads us in the directions of who we wish to become. But it is up to us whether or not to follow” (Tillman). Pat Tillman heard his calling and knew what he was made to do. He walked away from his career without regret because he listened to his heart, and made one of the toughest decisions in his life. His selfless act was when he gave up his life goal so that he could protect others. He also sacrificed his own life because he chose to focus on his morals of being a humble citizen. He took time off from his dream of winning a Super Bowl to be able to join the Army and serve for the country. He was then sadly shot and killed in a friendly fire in Afghanistan, in 2004. He did the most selfless act that any citizen could do, which was to risk his own life so that others could have a safer one. Tillman is a hero because he realized what was truly important to him and he acted on it. He chose to sacrifice his amazing talent at a professional football career to spend time fighting for his country. Many people, including myself, can be inspired by his humbleness when he gave up a great opportunity that few get to have, so that he could make a difference in the world.

Works Cited

Bauer, Patricia. “Pat Tillman.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 9 May 2017,

“Investing in Military Veterans and Their Spouses through Academic Scholarships.” Pat Tillman Foundation,

"Pat Tillman." Encyclopedia of World Biography, vol. 36, Gale, 2016. Biography in Context, Accessed 23 Mar. 2018.

"Pat Tillman." Gale Biography in Context, Gale, 2004. Biography in Context,                                                                                                   https://link Accessed 23 Mar. 2018.

"Pat Tillman." The Scribner Encyclopedia of American Lives, Charles Scribner's Sons, 2007. Biography in  Context, Accessed 23 Mar. 2018.

Page created on 4/17/2018 9:50:59 PM

Last edited 4/22/2018 5:35:04 PM

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Related Links

Pat Tillman Foundation - At the bottom of the page, Pat's story is described by his friends and family. It explains his motivations and what people had to say about him as a person.
Pat Tillman's Sacrifice Echoes in a New Generation - This story highlights people who admired Pat Tillman's accomplishments and how they showed their respect.