
We are grateful for the beautiful work created by young artists through out the world with the encouragement and inspiration of Peace Pals International. The next generation will create harmony and peace with the activities promoted by this important educational arts organization.

Peace Pals International - Youth Ambassadors of Peace guided by Jules Lamore

by victoria murphy from Laguna Beach, California in United States

115159May Peace Prevail on EarthPeace Pals International is a  program that inspires youth, ages 5-16 to be peacemakers  living in the spirit of the phrase “May Peace Prevail On Earth.”

Peace Pals International nurtures respect for the human family and the natural world through its many activities. By encouraging inner peace and global awareness in young people all over the globe, Peace Pals directly influences the next generation to try to live in peace and harmony and to adopt that way of life.

115156Catherine Wang, 1st place winner, 2016Peace Pals International Art 

Peace Pals International sponsors an annual global art competition that asks young emerging artists to create a work of art that highlights the words, "May Peace Prevail on Earth." Entries come from many, many countries and the winners have been selected from India, Malaysia, the United States, Japan,  Canada, Brazil and other locations where Peace Pals has been able to reach educators with its mission of peace. Many beautiful works express the sincere feelings and wishes for a more harmonious world by these very creative and motivated young people. In 2015, the theme of the competition was "Love to Hiroshima-Love to Nagasaki" and the awards ceremony was held in Japan in remembrance of the 70th anniversary of the atomic bomb and the event was broadcast live on the internet.


115158May Peace Prevail On EarthPeace Pals International

115157Carl Daineal Tiu, 1st place winner, 2016Peace pals International Art






The world is connected through meaningful organizations like Peace Pals International, which is affiliated with the World Peace Prayer Society. The heart of the Peace Pals International organization is Jules Lamore. Her encouragement, enthusiasm and resourcefulness has brought worldwide attention to this unique children's program. She guides the mission and the activities with wisdom and joy. Her spirit infuses the quest for inner peace and harmony among young children throughout our world. 


Page created on 10/10/2017 5:38:42 PM

Last edited 10/10/2017 9:45:54 PM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

Peace pals International - Peace pals International encourages young people to become Peace Ambassadors in their communities
World Peace Prayer Society - A global organization that believes in the power of individual prayer to bring about world peace

Author Info

I am the Gallery Director for The MY HERO Project and we are very enthusiastic about the work achieved by the Peace Pals International organization. We proudly partner with this non profit and we promote the works of art by the young peacemakers by exhibiting them on our website. This year I was invited to help judge the 2017 competition and I am proud to participate in the mission of harmony and peace that is fostered by their activities