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Peacemaking and Peacekeeping for the New Century

By Olara A. (Ed.) Otunnu, Michael W. Doyle, International Peace Academy

Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., May 1999
ISBN: 0847687279
MY HERO recommends this book to adult readers.
From the Publisher
The UN's record in peace operations is long, various, distinguished by both accomplishments and failures, and most importantly, innovative. Unfulfilled expectations and escalating violence in Somalia, Rwanda, and Bosnia forced retrenchment upon UN peace operations-but at the same time, a new opportunity to enhance capacities, review strategies, redefine roles, and reaffirm responsibilities has opened up. Here, a dynamic group of leading diplomats, academics, and journalists combines forces with UN policymakers and leaders including current Secretary-General Kofi Annan and former Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali to explore how the international community can improve its practice in negotiating and implementing peace. They look at what works and what doesn't in UN peacemaking and peacekeeping, and then map out alternative futures for UN action in the 21st century.

Author Biography: Olara A. Otunnu is president of the International Peace Academy Michael W. Doyle is professor of politics and international affairs in the Woodrow Wilson School and director of graduate studies in the politics department of Princeton University, as well as a former vice president and current senior fellow of the International Peace Academy.

User Reviews:
Irene Kabunduh | 8/15/2007 11:44 PM
thanks Mr Olara, am somebody from uganda, who knows that your my last hope in getting what i always wanted as a child
Derrick Kizza | 7/22/2007 6:04 PM
thanks Olara for your commitment to helping out disadvantaged children not only in Africa bt the world in general. God bless you.

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