
Tyler the Creator

by Sanford from San Diego

Tyler the creator (google images (
Tyler the creator (google images (

 Sanford McCants

 Date:May 13, 2015
 Period 4 
 HS English 2

 Tyler The Creator Is My Hero "Do what makes you happy. Because in the end, who's there, "YOU"." -Tyler the Creator.Rapper Tyler, the Creator is best known for his work with the Los Angeles-based alternative hip-hop collective Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All--more commonly called simply Odd Future--which includes creative artists ranging from rappers to singers to producers to illustrators.After rising to notice through online music releases and popular video clips that he helmed for the collective, Tyler, the Creator self-released his debut album, Bastard, in 2010. The following year he released follow-up effort Goblin on record label XL, quickly garnering global critical attention for his sharply confrontational lyric.Tyler is looking at retiring from the rap industry three years from now and is and i planning on investing in an industry that he hasn't yet released to the public to ensure that he he is financially stable. Tyler Okonma was born March 6, 1991.December 25, 2009 his first album "Bastard" released.May 9, 2010, signed to XL Records.January 1, 2011 his second album "Goblin" released.July 10,2012 he released the "Odd Future Vol. Tap"April 2, 2013 he released his third album "Wolf"April 13, 2015 he released his fourth album "Cherry Bomb." A hero must be a role model to other people, someone that people want to be. Someone that looks past all the negativity in their life and turn that into a positive. A person that uses their creativity to make something amazing for the world to see. Someone that understands their fans and have a connection with them. A person that makes a difference in people's lives.Tyler the Creator is inspirational to his fans because he understands what people have been through and he is a leader and role model in society to the young generation of kids today. Tyler's imagination and creativity is wild beyond recognition with everything he does.

In high school Tyler was the kid always thinking outside the box when everyone else was staying in their comfort zones and being like everyone else and they would think he was weird for that, but thinking outside the box got him to where he is today."There is something vicious and delicious about the texture of Tyler's rapping, a breathless stream of craggy, sharp words that careen from the personal to the sci-fi, held together only rarely by some impossible internal logic."(PBS).I think Tyler is a creative person because his music tells a story, in every song there is something hidden. and he says the things that people are afraid to say out loud. His music was meant for teenagers, not older people and i think that's cool because that says a lot about him. He connects to the young generation because he is young and he understands what it's like to be a kid.But people take the music he makes way too serious and literal. So, we have to ask the real stuff... "Truthfully, I'm just having fun. I'm young, and when you're young you just find things that interest you. Like skateboarding, I like that stuff. I read books on serial killers and rape and stuff so my mind is just filled with that at the moment. I'm not a serial killer. I just rap about that stuff because it interests me at the moment. I'm just having fun. So if you take it seriously, you're either old, or didn't have good childhoods and take life too serious. If you have time to sit there and write articles about me and you're not doing anything... Some people just really sit there and take stuff too serious. You can't please everyone." (An interview with Julianne Escobedo and Tyler the Creator). I could be listening to music people don't like or hanging out with people other people don't like or wearing cloths that people think is offensive or simply don't like, for example, i have this marrone Thrasher Magazine pentagram wind breaker that i wear and people are like, "oh, you're a satanist" or "you're one of "those" people" like no,, it's a skater reference, people look too deep into things and take them way too serious but i'm not going to stop what i like doing to please others.That's why the majority of people today are follower. Because they don't want to stand out and be themselves instead they do what others like and want them to do to please them.Tyler's creativity shaped what he has today, if he had stayed in the crowd just like everyone else he wouldn't have made it to where he is today.

Tyler the Creator (Google Images (
Tyler the Creator (Google Images (

All throughout Tyler's In high school Tyler was the kid always thinking outside the box when everyone else was staying in their comfort zones and being like everyone else and they would think he was weird for that, but thinking outside the box got him to where he is today."There is something vicious and delicious about the texture of Tyler's rapping, a breathless stream of craggy, sharp words that careen from the personal to the sci-fi, held together only rarely by some impossible internal logic."(PBS).I think Tyler is a creative person because his music tells a story, in every song there is something hidden. and he says the things that people are afraid to say outloud. His music was meant for teenagers, not older people and i think thats cool because that says alot about him. He connects to the young generation because he is young and he understands what it's like to be a kid.But people take the music he makes way too serious and literal. So, we have to ask the real stuff... "Truthfully, I'm just having fun. I'm young, and when you're young you just find things that interest you. Like skateboarding, I like that stuff. I read books on serial killers and rape and stuff so my mind is just filled with that at the moment. I'm not a serial killer. I just rap about that stuff because it interests me at the moment. I'm just having fun. So if you take it seriously, you're either old, or didn't have good childhoods and take life too serious. If you have time to sit there and write articles about me and you're not doing anything... Some people just really sit there and take stuff too serious. You can't please everyone." (An interview with Julianne Escobedo and Tyler the Creator). I could be listening to music people don't like or hanging out with people other people don't like or wearing cloths that people think is offensive or simply don't like, for example, i have this maroon Thrasher Magazine pentagram wind breaker that i wear and people are like, "oh, you're a satanist" or "you're one of "those" people" like no,, it's a skater reference, people look too deep into things and take them way too serious but i'm not going to stop what i like doing to please others.That's why the majority of people today are follower. Because they don't want to stand out and be themselves instead they do what others like and want them to do to please them.Tyler's creativity shaped what he has today. if he had stayed in the crowd just like everyone else he wouldn't have made it to where he is today.

Tyler the Creator doing a back side tail slide   (Google images (
Tyler the Creator doing a back side tail slide (Google images (

His high school years he separated himself from everybody else because he was different from everybody and he had a different vision and people considered him a white kid because of the way he dressed and because he skated. You hate race because you hate bringing it up? "Yeah, because like, why does it matter? I mean I joke about it. I have a Formspring and people ask me, like, "How do you feel that most of your fans are teenage white kids?" Those are the people I hang out with is teenage white kids, what are you talking about? People who bring up stuff like that, I don't know why the color of their skin or their background has to do with the music they can relate to or listen to. What does the color of my skin have to do with the notes I'm playing? I get really aggravated and defensive, so I just try to stay away from it."(An interview with Julianne Escobedo) This relates to me a lot, because when i'm walking down the halls at school or i'm at the mall with friends, it's always that group of people that give me that look or call me a white boy because I skate or because I wear skinny jeans with vans and a button up shirt and a 5-Panel or because i listen to Flying Lotus, Chemical Chords and The Internet, instead of playing Basketball or Football and wearing snapbacks and Jordans with. Like what does it matter how i dress, i'm being myself, why should it matter to you what i do or how i dress.People just want to be themselves and not have to worry about being judged. Tyler is a good skater but in high school he was considered a white boy for skating. Maybe there are a lot of white kids at your shows, but it also might have to do with who has the money to afford tickets. White people just have more money than everyone else in America, it was in the census. "It just sucks. I would always be called "whiteboy" when I was younger, so that just really sparked, it just always aggravated me. You don't have to be a certain color to stand on some wood with wheels on the bottom. But some people are just ignorant so it's whatever. I just look past it as much as I can."(An interview with Julianne Escobedo). When i'm out skating with my friends and were around people, i get that question "isn't skateboarding for white boys?" and that really just makes me mad because it shouldn't matter what color I am to be able to skate, like i'm doing something that i think is cool and that i'm good at. When i'm in P.E and I finish stuff first, it's always that one person that's like "oh, it's because you're black" and im just like "if i wasn't black i'd still be fast, if you weren't fat, you wouldn't be slow. I don't think that it's fair that society has these racial barriers that people can't cross and your suppose to act a certain way and do certain things just because the color of your skin. The world has enough problems already and not being able to be yourself is an unneeded problem to have.

Tyler the Creator is an inspiration to his fans because he knows what they have been through and he understands their problems so to his fans he's a hero. Tyler has so much going for him and the people that know him, know that it is true success what he has done. You all lean on each other as people and in shows, but everyone we've talked to so far says Tyler's the glue. What's it like keeping a group together like this? "It's not that hard. I tried to put the team on my back. People don't know how deep OF really is. I didn't really have many friends when I was younger. Most of these dudes, I met when I was 16 or whatever. My mom, she had moved up north, so I stayed with my grandma. There was nights I went without eating. So these dudes, I'd sleep over at their houses and they'd cook and stuff, that would be like my family. I try to give back 'cause when I didn't really have stuff, they was always there. These are my family. Anybody in my camp, even if they didn't really do anything for me then, I just try to look out for them. Any opportunity I get I try to bring them along. It's not that hard when I have to step up and stuff. It's cool. I like giving back, I guess."(An interview with Julianne Escobedo) To me, this shows that Tyler is a leader and he has a lot of trust with his family/friends. Tyler does things his way which makes him a leader and he doesn't care what people think about his work because it's not for them it's for him. All of Tyler's fans are young and they understand his music. Tyler is a teenager so it makes sense for teens to make sense out of his music. All your fans are so young and dedicated. All of us adults are talking about it, but it almost doesn't matter what we say. It's all about kids. "Yeah, like [manager Christian] Clancy. I always make fun of him, he's not even that old. He was one of those kids before. So even though he's matured, deep down inside he still relates to us, he loves us and goes off. Maybe when you were 18, you were rebellious. So when you see a girl in that pit wiling out, you're like, "OK, I was there." You're on the balcony, not down there, but you know exactly what that feels like."( An interview with Julianne Escobedo) Tyler's music talks and connects to the young generation and it mean something to them and to me because it all has a message and that is why people look up to him as a hero. His music talks to his fans and that's why it means so much to them because they can relate to him and his music. When something that you make and have been trying to do you're whole life turns out to be a total success and people worship your ideas and you have an instant connection with you fans, it says a lot about your success and the work and time that you put into it. When you do what makes you happy and you know you're good at it, continue doing what you're doing instead of doing what others want you to do just to blend in with a group. You can't stay in the shadows you whole life, you have to make your own light. Tyler was that awkward kid in high school that no one payed no attention to or blocked because the way he dressed and because he skated, but he turned out to be an icon to the young generation because he was himself and he stayed true to that. Tyler inspires me because he stays true to himself and he's been through a lot of the same things as me. I understand his personality and the words in his music, it may just sound like a bunch of cursing and stuff to older people but in reality it's a story or it's a message that changes the way people see things and that takes a lot of creativity to understand something like that. Tyler taught me that i shouldn't care what other people think about me because i'm just human, i can't please everyone, do what makes me happy because in the end, it's just me. Don't judge a book by it's cover because most of the times the inside could be good. People are too quick to judge in this society but they never want to take the time to actually know somebody. Tyler was thought to be that super weird kid in high school that everybody moved away from, and now he's that person that people look up to and want to be because he's himself. If Tyler didn't step out of the box and did his own, non of what he has now would be possible. Dont try to act like other people just to fit in, be yourself because you're at you're best when you're you. "Do what makes you happy, because at the end. Who's there? You." -Tyler the Creator

                                                                                    WORKS CITED

 Shepard, Julianne Escobedo. "Odd Future's Tyler, the Creator on Race, Broken Homes, and Waking Up Rich | SPIN." Spin. Spin Media, 21 Nov. 2011. Web. 08 May 2015.

 Muhammad, Latifah. "Tyler, the Creator Wants to Retire From Rap." BET Interactive, 30 July 2013. Web. 18 May 2015.

 Flame, Waka Flocka, and DIMITRI EHRLICH. "Tyler The Creator." Interview Magazine. Code and Theory, 15 Aug. 2013. Web. 18 May 2015.

 Smiley, Travis. "Rapper Tyler, The Creator." PBS. PBS, 15 Apr. 2015. Web. 18 May 2015.

Page created on 8/5/2015 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/5/2015 12:00:00 AM

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