
Walter Sisulu

by patrick kiyemba

potrait of Sisulu Walter (
potrait of Sisulu Walter (

My hero is Walter Sisulu who is a freedom fighter who fought against apartheid in the republic of South Africa. He is a person who never segregate any individual regardless of color, race, back ground in South Africa. He treated every one who leave in South Africa all equal. He continued to say that “ South Africa belongs to all people who leaves on it and every one is entitled to enjoy freedom as equal despite the color, race and background.

Sisulu's widow, Albertina Sisulu left (
Sisulu's widow, Albertina Sisulu left (

Walter Sisulu was brought up by his mother’s tribe called Xhosa. He attended his primary education from the Anglican mission and later left to Johannesburg in such for jobs. He worked as a miner, domestic worker,and advertising agent. He was a heard working man and due to his determination and intelligence, he was able to set up an estate agency. Working as an estate agent and other jobs such as advertising agent, he was able to secure enough money and later give loans to Nelson Mandela to complete his law degree at the University of South Africa.

Two ushers at the stadium on funeral (
Two ushers at the stadium on funeral (

Sisulu is a hero in that his disciplined and nonviolent nature of the defiance campaign, the sentence was suspended for three years. He had designed a statutory "communist" and the sentence was nine months imprisonment. Before the sentencing he told the court, "I wish to make this solemn vow and in full appreciation of the consequences it entails. As long as I enjoy the confidence of my people,and there is a spark of life of energy in me, I shall fight with courage and determination for the abolition of discriminatory laws and for the freedom of all South Africans irrespective of color or creed."

Archbishop Desmond Tutu Sisulu's  funeral (
Archbishop Desmond Tutu Sisulu's funeral (

His strong willingness and determination to fight for freedom made him to publish a book on African nationalism. While at Ruben Island Prison, Walter Sisulu said to his fellow prisoners, “We were united as prisoners, and determined to unite South Africa. That sustained us." His writing about apartheid struggle and numerous articles for domestic and overseas newspapers made him popular, that no wonder he was able to complete his BA in art history and Anthropology while at Ruben Island University.

Sisulu is a hero because he was awarded "Isithwalandwe Seaparankoe", the ANC's highest honour just after 2year they have been released from 'Ruben Island prison’. Sisulu was released from prison on 15 October 1989 with five other senior members of the ANC. He retired from active duty in the ANC on 17 December, 1994 giving up his post as deputy president and went to rest in his modest family home in Soweto where he died from on the evening of 5 May after a long illness

Mandela arrives, at the funeral of Sisulu (
Mandela arrives, at the funeral of Sisulu (

At his funeral, Archbishop Desmond Tutu who said, "I want to declare loud and clear that after a life so exemplary, so inspiring ... we are filled with deep thankfulness. ... We have come to celebrate a wonderful life poured out so unselfishly on behalf of others."

May His Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.

Page created on 9/7/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 9/7/2009 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

all africa - Sisulu Funeral
BBC - South Africa honours Sisulu
southafrica - Liberation giant Walter Sisulu died peacefully
Walter Sisulu