
The Madhvani Group

by Patrick from Pretoria

Mayur Madhvani the Director of Madhvani Group (
Mayur Madhvani the Director of Madhvani Group (

My hero is the Madhvani group originally from India now Ugandan citizens are one of the successful business people in Uganda. They have been in Uganda for almost half of a century. They are heroes because they have contributed a lot to both the government of Uganda's economy and Ugandan citizens as well. They have provided employment to people of Uganda.

Madhvani group of companies employees 10,000 Ugandans. Madhvani group of companies is of the best contributors to the government’s revenue. The madhvani group with its major activities based on agriculture and tourism. The group owns the Paraa Safari Lodge in northern Uganda and the Mweya Safari Lodge in Western Uganda. See below. Mweya Safari lodge


The group also has a number of companies that operate in Uganda. They have Nile breweries, Kakira sugar works, Madhvani soap industry. Their main activies of investments entirely depends on agricultural products and tourism due to the favourable climate of Uganda which is conducive for their business. Uganda has a fertile land with rainfall through out the year. The country has a wide range of natural factors which attract tourists such as the mountain gorillas in western Uganda, water falls, animals and birds. All these factors have made the Madhvani group to succeed with their business both in agriculture and tourism.

 (<ahref=one of the directors of Madhvani group)" hspace=6 class="story-img3" />
(one of the directors of Madhvani group)

Ugandans are proud of the Madhvani group because they provide them with free health care, employment, education, training and scholarships to students who are academically sounding. The group also provide social needs to the local community. They have assisted more than 3500 people in the eastern Uganda. The group have also donated buildings to the Ugandan government through out the country.

The group is now expanding more and hoping to call more invertors to join them as a joint venture and expand their businesses. Their future hopes are to develop the coutry through out industrialisation which will help to reduce on the unemployement rate in Uganda.

Page created on 9/3/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 9/3/2008 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

press net - Rising from the ashes
Madhvani International - Madhvani International
Madhvani Group - Madhvani Group of companies
Nile breweries - Nile Breweries in Uganda
kakira sugar works - welcome to kakira sugar works