
Ryan Ross

by AVID from LMS

Ryan Ross (photobucket)
Ryan Ross (photobucket)

My hero is Ryan Ross. Ryan is both the hottest and coolest musician I know. He is a guitar player(I think) for Panic! At the Disco. He and the rest of the band live and I think grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada. I could be wrong, but, that's just what I heard. He writes almost all of the songs for Panic. Great lyrics. Great lyrics.

ryan ross
ryan ross

Ryan Ross will pretty much always be my hero because of his talents and his amazing ability to put on eyeliner. Like I said, he plays some kind of guitar for Panic! At the Disco. Did I mention that he has an awesome put-on-eye-liner talent?I did? Well, still. His eye-liner makes him look so cool. I wish I could put on eye-liner like him. You should see it. He makes little lightening like designs and swirls around his eyes and cheeks. And then he puts eye-shadow and stuff on it to make it look like a tattoo. Well, just a little. ITs really cool.

its purple!! (photobucket)
its purple!! (photobucket)

Ryan Ross has influenced my life by inspiring me to write a book about twins that later on turn into musicians. He has also inspired me to become a guitar player. He's important to me because I look up to him as an incredible musician. If I were ever to see him fall, my talents wouldn't be as wide spread as they are now. Like I said, he's a phenomonal guitar player, and since he writes all of the lyrics for Panic! At the Disco, I am now in a band and playing the electric guitar and writing some lyrics. He's very good looking too. I guess I take after my hero. ^_^

Page created on 7/21/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 7/21/2009 12:00:00 AM

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