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Rima E. Laibow MD |
Rima E Laibow practiced drug-free psychiatry for over thirty years, working with many individuals marginalized by institutional psychiatry, such as close encounter experiencers, victims of vaccination injuries, and the like. In 2004 she closed her practice and, with her husband Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (USA ret - another Hero!) formed the Natural Solutions Foundation, to "heal the body politic" as she says. Since then they have built the premiere health freedom website in the world, www.HealthFreedomUSA.org - reaching as high an Alexa ranking of 15,000 worldwide. With 190,000 people on their Health Freedom Action eAlert they regularly communicate with an estimated ten million email users.
Here is how she describes what she's created.
"Natural Solutions Foundation is an exempt NGO (non-governmental organization) organized in the United States and several other countries. Through our web sites, www.HealthFreedomUSA.org and www.GlobalHealthFreedom.org, we have earned the position of the largest net roots health freedom association in the world."
"The Mission of the Foundation is to discover, develop, demonstrate and disseminate natural solutions to the problems facing us and threatening our health and freedom, achieving and maintaining a healthy self, community and world. Since its founding in 2004 the Natural Solutions Foundation has pursued a uniquely vigorous and effective, highly innovative program on many fronts, including natural solutions to significant social problems involving health and wellness. We have over one hundred ninety thousand people on our supporter list. We consider health freedom to be an essential component of those solutions. The threats to health and freedom are both domestic and international, as are the solutions. Individuals and other organizations are welcome to participate in our many programs and action options so that net roots and decision makers share the same information and conclusions about the solutions to problems touching us all. That open invitation characterizes our relationship to all other organizations and individuals of good will."
Among the innovative solutions we pursue are “Mouse Warrior Campaigns” which allow anyone with Internet access to communicate their opinions and needs for health freedom with decision makers, members of Congress, Executives and other people making decisions about health freedom policy. We urge everyone to join our free, secure Health Freedom Action eAlerts by visiting our home pages and signing up there. One of the fundamental natural solutions is to reclaim the production of food and its distribution through The International Decade of Nutrition Program and an alliance among Health Conscious Nations expressed through international cooperation which we have developed over several years of involvement at Codex (the World Food Code). To do this, we are creating the demonstration of BeyondOrganic, Bio Dynamic, Zero Emissions ™, ecologically sound communities, farms, services and schools for farmers and others to share high impact, low technology natural solutions to permit economically and environmentally sustainable, chemical free farming."
We can all be inspired by her recent words, "Health Freedom – the right to determine what happens to one’s own body – stood out recently as one of the most important ideas to Americans participating in the informal on-line poll at www.change.org ... “Health Freedom” was voted as one of the Top Ten issues to be considered by the incoming Obama Administration by people who registered on that site. Because of its strong showing, Health Freedom is now mounted on the “Citizens Briefing Book” section of the official Obama transition web site, www.Change.gov ... On both sites the concept is called “Health Freedom is Our First Freedom!” to emphasize that without the right to control one’s own body, there is no other meaningful freedom. This fundamental definition of a First Freedom caught the attention of large numbers of people who created a viral internet sensation..." Certainly, Dr. Laibow, a humanitarian and healer, deserves to be considered a true hero!
Page created on 1/26/2009 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 1/26/2009 12:00:00 AM
Laibow, Rima. "Natural Solutions Foundation YouTube Channel." [Online] Available http://youtube.com/naturalsolutions.