MY HERO Global Learning Circle January 2018 MHH (High School)

Check out the heroes our students from SMKN1 High School, Multi-Media Class, Sukamara, INDONESIA gave chosen!

Photos of our Class Skyping with Partner Class in Mali

Marini's class from Indonesia skyping with partner Moussa's class from Mali
Credit: Moussa B. Tamboura
Moussa's Class from Mali skyping with Marini's Class in Indonesia
Credit: Moussa B. Tamboura

National Hero Day - Theatrical Rendering for The MY HERO Project

These four photographs are a part of our My Hero Project. It was a short theatrical drama to commemorate our National Hero Day inspired by the My Hero Project. This was the first time celebration we did as we only had to attend a flag ceremony for commemorating this national day.  - Teacher - Marini Budiarti

Hero Flag Day Indonesia
Credit: Marini Budiarti
2 Hero Flag Day Indonesia
Credit: Marini Budiarti
3 Hero Flag Day Indonesia
Credit: Marini Budiarti
4 Hero Flag Day Indonesia
Credit: Marini Budiarti

Heroes in Short Films by my students

Evocative Voice of Bung Tomo

Producer: Ahmad Fuad

Habibie: Mr. Crack

Producer: Asykurani


Producer: Chairul Afif

Ultimate Achievements Of Soekarno

Producer: Nurhidayathulloh

Organizer created on 1/26/2018 2:03:15 PM by Marini Budiarti

Last edited 1/29/2018 6:01:21 PM by Wendy Jewell