
by Leonardo from Lexington

There once was a city called Metropolis. When superman was fighting with Lex Luther, it was taking him very long to defeat him. Then Batman came and hit Lex Luther with a big punch and defeated him. Superman was shocked in the way that batman had defeated Lex Luther. Superman told Batman that it was his battle. But Batman told him that he was taking too long and that he could not resist to hit Lex Luther. Batman told Superman "I am the best superhero of all time" and Superman told him "how much do you want to bet".

The fighting began. Superman started with a triple kick on batman's chest; batman landed on the top of building every person in Metropolis came to see the big fight. Batman wanted more but superman was too busy signing autographs and batman give him one of those punches on the face. Superman was bleeding. But batman thought superman was going to give up but it just made him angry. Superman was so mad. He gave batman an even harder punch batman's mask was broken. Blood was coming off. Batman was not giving up either. He came and told superman "I am going to win this battle."

All of the sudden superman realize that he was not being a hero. Because he was fighting for something that did not mater. So superman just went to his home. He is a real hero.

Page created on 6/27/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/27/2011 12:00:00 AM

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"MY HERO does not promote violence."