Climate Change Activist Films

Get inspired by these short films addressing the issues of Climate Change.

The Story We Want - Episode 1 - Coal and Climate

Dayna Reggero
Dayna Reggero traveled across America to listen to ordinary women who are confronting fossil fuel industries, climate change impacts, and a culture of extraction.

Matagi Mālohi: Strong Winds

Forest Woodward, Canyon Woodward, Aidan Haley
We need to be the strong winds, that Matagi Mālohi, that bring the change our people need to see.

Mourning Country

Andrew Kaineder
After the loss of his home and Aboriginal culture centre, Budawang elder Noel Butler mourns not for the structures that once stood, but for the flora and fuana we share this land with.

Our Atoll Speaks (Ko Talatala Mai Tō Mātou Wenua) - Trailer

Gemma Cubero del Barrio
Our Atoll Speaks (Ko Talatala Mai Tō Mātou Wenua) is a communal film poem about the vast environmental knowledge of Pukapuka/Nassau, an atoll in the Northern Group of the Cook Islands.

Road to Carbon Apocalypse

SODEIT Cameroon
Road to Carbon Apocalypse  SODEIT Climate, Agriculture & Environmental Education (CAEE) Programme

Cool the Climate! [Trailer]

Denis Thomopoulos
Simon the Hippo and friends go on a song-filled adventure while learning about the world's changing climate...

Films made by youth

Brave New World

Zoltán Bendegúz Szabó | Toldy Ferenc High School
Brave New World is about climate change.

Climate Change

Philip Kapadia
The film showcases the effects of climate change, and what we could face if we don't take action soon.

Interview with Youth Activist Sophie Healy-Thow

Kitty Richardson

Feature film made by Slater Jewell-Kempker - MY HERO Alumni

Slater Jewell-Kemker was a student reporter for The MY HERO Project for many years. She has competed an extraordinary feature documentary on Climate Activists called Youth Unstoppable which can be viewed online.

Youth Unstoppable
Credit: Slater Jewell-Kempker

Organizer created on 11/3/2021 2:27:11 PM by Wendy Milette

Last edited 12/31/2022 8:56:06 AM by Jeanne Meyers