The MY HERO Project | Library

Poems for Children Nowhere Near Old Enough to Vote

By Carl Sandburg

Publisher: Random House Children's Books, March 1999
ISBN: 0679889906
MY HERO recommends this book to children readers.
Alfred A. Knopf is proud to present the only collection of poems Carl Sandburg wrote specifically for children. In 19 lively prose poems, America's quintessential poet invites children to think about the world in fresh new ways, playing tricks with familiar objects such as pencils, chairs, clocks, eyes, ears, and noses. Witty graphic illustrations by the creator of ZOOM, RE-ZOOM, and REM add a playful dimension to the poems by integrating the words into the pictures or by interpreting the poetic images quite literally—to great comic effect. Simple yet provocative, this unique collection is an ideal tool for introducing poetry that does not rhyme and for inspiring creative writing. It's a delight for the young and the young at heart.
User Reviews:
maria | 4/4/2008 1:52 AM
good poems you wrote

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