
Pat Tillman

by Chris from Cincinnati

The dictionary gives many definitions of a hero. One is “Any man noted for feats of courage of nobility of purpose: especially, one who has risked or sacrificed his life." A really good example of this is Pat Tillman. Pat Tillman played football for Arizona State and was later drafted to the NFL by the Arizona Cardinals where he played as a safety. He then signed a 3.6 million-dollar, three-year contract. Pat planned on having a long career as an NFL player, but the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 changed all of that.

Pat Tillman was born on November 6, 1976. He grew up in San Jose, California, with two brothers and parents who taught him that this was the greatest country in the world because we are free, and that freedom is something worth fighting for. After the September 11th attack, Pat decided it was his duty to join the Army. He joined with his brother, Kevin, and they went into the special Army Rangers. They both were sent to Afghanistan to fight terrorists.

Pat Tillman (
Pat Tillman (

There are a lot of heroes in the military and we need to remember them all, but Pat Tillman should be remembered for his willingness to give up a career in the NFL, millions of dollars, and fame for the chance to serve his country. He was the only professional sports player to do what he did after September 11, 2001. In fact, he is only the second NFL player to die in combat since 1970 when Buffalo offensive tackle Bob Kalsu died in the Vietnam War.

The book, A Hero’s Trail, has many types of heroes. The one that best fits Pat is a hero to others near and far. A hero to others near and far is a person who did something to save or help others across the U.S. or even the world, and that’s what Pat Tillman did. He gave up his career to help in Afghanistan to keep our country safe. He is a hero because he gave his life up to defend freedom and save many innocent lives.

Pat (
Pat (

Pat didn’t want publicity for what he did; in fact, he would hardly even talk to reporters about it at all. Heroes don’t do what they do to get noticed. They do what they do because it is the right thing to do. Pat was truly a hero to others. He was more than just an athlete, he was a soldier, a soldier who gave up his life. He gave up his career to serve our country. Pat Tillman will always be remembered as an athlete and a hero.

Page created on 11/17/2004 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/17/2004 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links - Read about Pat Tillman's life.

Extra Info

Beston, Paul . "Pat Tillman." The American Spectator 2004. 10 Nov 2004 .