
Quang Hue Chau

by Hanh Chau from San Jose , California in United States

A thank you father’s note

I stand tall and strong

Like the great mighty mountain portray

Yet I am still feeling humble

By your lead of inspiration

With your genuine word of advice and care

To guide me through the difficult time

When life has defeated me 

You raise me high

Lifting me up to the sky

Showing me through

That the horizon is unlimited

There are many open door

Despite when there are turn down

Do not let fear to be the excuses

To hold back the dream

Embrace with every opportunity

To overcome the obstacles

And beat all the odds

To champion for the cause

To reach for the ultimate goals 

For this my dearest father

Here is a thank you note

From the bottom of my sincerest heart

I am grateful for the character

That you have instilled in me to be

And carry on as your role model

I owed my world to you

for that you have always stand by me

from thick through thin

paint a smile on my face

and be my guardian angel

Page created on 3/21/2022 12:10:59 AM

Last edited 3/22/2022 12:14:45 PM

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