Organization Register

Register as an organization with The MY HERO Project to collectively raise social awareness and to promote our and your quality programming with our all ages global learning community. As we partner with like minded organizations to share our stories, art and films, together we inspire more acts of heroism.

By registering as an organization, you will be entitled to free web authoring tools to promote your organization's goals and your members' activities. You can educate our base of 20 million visitors a year from 197 countries about your mission and your heroes by uploading multimedia generated by your membership.

In turn, you can share all of The MY HERO Project's library of hero media and promote the individuals and partners that we feature on your website.

Examples of partner organizations are Creative Visions, Vital Voices Project, Art Miles Mural Project, BayCat Films and Guitars in the Classroom.

Register today to browse our extensive library of heroes and selected themes such as peace and social justice, environmental heroism and youth heroes.
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Organization/Partner Info

Please provide a logo that best represents your organization.

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